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Chapter 1788: Is That Scoundrel Still Alive?

Listening to this, Shu Yu's heart felt extremely uncomfortable. Grandma Lu had thought that her younger sister had married a virtuous man, but it turned out he was scum. Here, Grandma Fang was helpless and alone, sick, and couldn't even seek revenge.

If their family's old lady knew the suffering her Grand aunt had endured, how could she bear it? That scoundrel, he's probably still alive, right?

Grandma Guan raised her head and saw the cold expression on Shu Yu's face, a glint of ruthlessness in her eyes.

Grandma Guan was momentarily taken aback. From this angle... she inexplicably found the girl in front of her somewhat familiar.

A flicker of uncertainty passed through Grandma Guan's heart, an unpredictable thought surged.

Shu Yu took a deep breath and continued, "After that, did Grandma Fang move to Hedeng Village and live there until now?"

The latter shook her head. "No, initially Sister Fang rented a small house in a village not far from the city to be closer to the city for medical treatment. However, she was unexpectedly spotted by Chen Bing."

After divorcing Grandma Fang, and with money in hand again, Chen Bing naturally wanted to remarry.

He had ambitions of marrying into a more influential family. With support from the in-laws, the Chen family could soar to greater heights under his command.

But any family with some substance wouldn't consider him. Chen Bing had come from elsewhere to escape a calamity and was also a man on his second marriage. Moreover, he had caused quite a scene with Grandma Fang in the county town. Many people in the town knew he wasn't a good man.

Unable to find a match in the county town, Chen Bing turned to the city.

However, wealthy and influential families there weren't interested in him either. Besides, he had gone from rags to riches, and his lifestyle and mannerisms weren't up to their standards.

In the end, Chen Bing married a girl from a modest family in the city. This girl came from a household with many sisters. Though not meeting Chen Bing's expectations, at least she had more resources compared to Fang's family.

Before marrying the girl, Chen Bing would often visit the city, bringing her and her brother along under the pretense of going out to play. During these outings, he spotted Grandma Fang, who was seeking medical treatment in the city.

With a villainous mind, Chen Bing thought Grandma Fang's presence in the city wasn't innocent. He believed she had come to sabotage his marriage.

He wouldn't tolerate such a thing. Upon learning Grandma Fang's address, he hired thugs to harass her. He even considered kidnapping her from Changjin Prefecture.

Grandma Fang had been quite attractive in her youth, as evident from Shu Yu and others.

However, after her major illness, she had become frail and sickly, with a pale complexion. When those thugs sought her out, she feigned near-death illness, scaring them away.

But this tactic only worked temporarily; it didn't deter them from returning.

Grandma Fang had no choice but to leave that village. It was Grandma Guan's suggestion for her to move to Hedeng Village. Grandma Guan was a local and familiar with the area. She recommended Hedeng Village because a good doctor lived there, and the village had a good atmosphere.

Grandma Fang, being a helpless woman on her own, was most suited for Hedeng Village. At that time, the village leader's wife was strong-willed, had some martial arts skills, and was quite protective. She was very friendly to women.

So, Grandma Fang moved to Hedeng Village and, as expected, found stability there. She has remained there for the past thirty years.


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