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Alrighty I dare you to find any incorrect shading colors this time around. The hardest part of this stage of the project is having to force myself to go to sleep when all I can think about is just doing more frames. Next week will have the rest of the frames colored and I'll also go back and cleanup that first third too, so it'll be time for both another video post and time to open the animation slot again.

Here we also go with Vixxi's sequence now colored. Thanks again Kinky Utterances for all the audio help, and may her plentiful young never go thirsty!

At this point I think I'm ready to start the Yu-Gi-Oh Dragons sequence, especially after we got that cool video last week. The list of characters now includes Leo and Luna into their Signer Dragons, Mai into Harpie's Pet Dragon, Joey into Queen Dragun Djinn, and Serenity into Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. 

I was thinking I could start in a few days after I finish the Bunny animation, but if anyone still has interest in adding a character let me know and I'll hold off on starting if I need to.



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