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Good luck in 2024 everyone! And thanks for supporting me in this month too!

And a quick question before we start, with the year of the dragon upon us, I thought I might do something special for that, and since it's been a while since I've done any Yugioh transformations, maybe now would be a good time to get back to that. It's just an idea for now, so let me know if that might sound interesting to anyone.

Now for out regularly scheduled sketchiness, we have even more in betweens included in the Toonitis animation. To keep the Wip gif at a manageable filesize I took some of the beginning off, but when I post the finished sketch animation either next update or the update after, I'll just make it a video post to include the whole thing.

And now for non-animation works, once again the slot's been claimed by Jdburgerdnd, whose gigantification of choice shall this time be featuring three characters from Hellsing. Just the first and last steps in the sequence are sketched for now, so next week will have some progress tfing.
