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Before we get to the new stuff, here's last week's Digimon sequence once more since they showed up so small last time.

And now I'm pleased to announce that I've started up on a new Toonitis animation, thanks to the fellow who's asked to remain anonymous submitting their footage. Already got the design for the toon girl figured out, so I'll be back next week with even more keyframe sketches.

At the same time for the non-animation slot, hot off the completion of the last animation, Neo444 has asked for even more Fembot content, this time featuring Fowler and Bryce having a disagreement. They'll be going mechanical by the end of it, but so far I was just able to sketch the part where they turn into busty giantesses. Next week we'll have more of that too.

That's all for the usual, but in the day or so before each slot got claimed, I was able to get the finishing touches on my contribution for the KH Pilot animator collab, so here's how that also turned out. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wC2x6052rG7R6jjtiGwIevCLsfJnulLl/view?usp=drive_link



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