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Hello to all the new and returning folks, and thank you for supporting me this month! And also thank you everyone who voted in the poll. Lately I've been spending more days each week working on the non-animated works than the animated ones, but starting after I finish this cursed princess animation I do want to try flipping it for a change to see how that goes. Especially if the demand increases whenever the animation slot opens so I can get to anyone who wants their animation idea made with less of a wait.

Speaking of which, here's the next batch of keyframes colored for Esotericer's animation. All that's left for this one is this and the other anthro pig scene, and then the two walk cycles which total frames make for less than either anthro scene. Or in a less rambly sentence, we're getting very close to the finished video!

Also ready is the next big dragons group shot which I was starting to worry I wouldn't have ready in time. While I'd hoped to get one shot sketched each week, likely when it gets to the really detailed dragon designs, I'm going to need to divide it up so I'm not rushing it.



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