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It's been a rough last few days. Hope we can all find something to hold onto to make the coming days pass even a little bit easier.

Here's the latest progress on Esotericer's animation. I was able to color all of the keyframes for the pig tf scene. I'm gonna color the cow tf keyframes next and then start tackling the inbetweens for both scenes.

Along with that I've finally started on the Dragon sequence by sketching the first and second steps out of 6 in total. Dark Magician Girl had one more step in her sequence than everyone else, so it makes sense to have her being the one to set events off before it spreads to everyone else. That was as far as I'd gotten before I was asked late if I could add in Kisara into Blue-Eyes to the sequence, and not wanting to miss the chance to have such an iconic dragon in the group I agreed, but they told me they wouldn't be ready to commission that addition for a few weeks. 

So I thought I could open the non-animation slot now in case anyone wants me to draw something during those weeks, so that by the time I finish that I'll be able to start the dragon sequence again with one last addition. Let me know if any's interested.




Finally some more Yugioh again!