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Gonna try something new here, for this one just like near the end of last year the winner will have 4 individual pictures of TF based on YOUR suggestions left in the comments of this post.

Second place gets 3 individual pics and third place gets 2.

We are looking for individual scenarios for each pic, INFLATION can also be involved but it has to be a Transformation scenario.  ( we will leave WG and Expansion to the side for this one.)

Unlike a Poll this post will remain open so all suggestions not used this weekend will be considered for future posts.


James Sunderland

Oh wait, you're after INDIVIDUAL pics for each page. Damn. That idea seemed really good too. Dunno if I've got anything else. Maybe use the framework of the scenario to come up with pics of her at the various stages of the process? Or, just hold onto the idea for a future poll. If you're gonna do the latter though, please make it an uber only poll. Uber doesn't tend to win when put against regular TF or WG.

(RJ) Roger

Blacksmith Incident: Lyn in need of a new blade visits the local blacksmith and starts to sweat, she is not used to the heat of a smithy and slowly begins to melt down into the floor. After she is melted into a puddle, the hands find the poor puddle and reforge her into a new metal body with a cool sword, albeit a bit more top and bottom-heavy then she expected. Muscular +, Dexterity -: Lyn was fighting off the evil hands and was quickly gaining levels, her muscles and body began to grow in size as she became a muscular beauty! But as she grew, her sword became smaller and smaller and she started to get rounder until Lyn was a big, muscular ball! Old Hero, New toy: Perplexed at the factory, Lyn follows the lady hand through a pooltoy processing factory and curious how it all works. Unfornuately, the evil hands push the hero into the newly added vat of molten plastic and Lyn quickly dissolves into plastic herself. In fright, the lady hands attempt to get her out, resulting in Lyn being crushed, stretched and reforged into a new pooltoy. But even as a toy, the Lady Hands take her blade and chase away the evil hands as a new Calvery Unit!