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Jester's Kingdom- Delia Ketchum

  • a) Sushi diving 19
  • b) Gourmet Food 42
  • c) Meal and Massage 63
  • 2023-05-03
  • —2023-05-05
  • 124 votes
{'title': "Jester's Kingdom- Delia Ketchum", 'choices': [{'text': 'a) Sushi diving', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'b) Gourmet Food', 'votes': 42}, {'text': 'c) Meal and Massage', 'votes': 63}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 5, 17, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 3, 18, 8, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 124}


The resort will open out of season for a Mother's Day special.

Scenario Descriptions:

a) Sushi diving: A new dining experience, they put her in a mermaid suit that allows her to breath underwater and let her explore a zone deep underwater full of sushi creatures all of them surprisingly eager to be eaten as they get close to her, she takes a bite out of them and falls for the flavor, swimming around eating and taking a bite out of everything, her belly starts to bulge out but her feeding frenzy doesn't stop, she gets really fat but remains a surprisingly agile swimmer even tho it becomes a little hard to reach small places, at the end she emerges from the water like a beached whale, letting out a huge burp meaning she was pleased with the experience.

b) Gourmet Food: All dressed up in a fancy dress she visits the resort five star restaurant, everything is free but she ends up feeling a little disappointed with the the size of the portions, she orders a steak but she’s served a really tiny piece of meat, she isn't satisfied so she keeps ordering more what she doesnt seem to notice is how loaded with calories and fat these dishes really are and while she may not feeling full she sure is gaining a lot of weight from it, she continues to ask for more of this tiny meals with her belly growing so much she’s using it as the table at this point, at the end she’s gone through the whole menu multiple times, looking massive and finally satisfied with her dress working more like a bra (barely) at this point, she gets up says thanks for the meal and wobbles her way out.

c) Meal and Massage: The hands pamper her, they sit her down and offer her all kinds of foods and drinks while massaging her shoulders, she starts gaining fatter but she doesn't care and continues to allow the hands to feed her, filling up her cheeks with food and having a hard time swallowing but she’s loving it,  at some point she outgrows her clothes and the chair but the hands over her with… a really big towel and carry her to a special massage bed where she lies down and the hands commence to massage her belly like a mountain of dough all while they continue to feed her, she’s beyond relaxed just letting the hands do their job, finally they roll her over and start massaging her back and her butt as they continue to feed her.



Weight gain and stuffing this week, let's make these ladies feel special.