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Comics will return next week, I just figured since she's been featured in those before might as well give her a shot with the recent "Free for all" format.

So suggestions are open and this time we are looking for INFLATION SCENARIOS (uber, body inflation, just specific parts blowing up, swallowing balloons,air tanks, p balloons, water, slime, etc.) Sky is the limit ...literally in this case.

You know how it goes, 4 pics (individual or mini sequence) fo the winner.


Yellow Thunder

I’ll love to see Uber inflation


I'm new to this thing so I'm gonna try my best, how about her Uber inflating in space on a similar scenario like that MT Lady thing but instead of planet shaped just huge Uber inflated. Like that one space Uber inflation art you did before.


Original Zero Suit Samus, the purple/pink leotard and green hair look. Uber inflation similar to how Daisy looked in page 9 of Royal Slam.


Samus head inflates to immense proportion and starts to float up like a balloon, as she’s grabbing onto her elongating neck to try and get her head back down.

Dayon Butler

Super Metroid Wonder: Samus sees a familiar looking flower with a strange aura, she touch the flower and her body starts to inflations like a balloon by the flowers effects

Lady Scarlet

Parade Balloon to mimic her spaceship or Lawn Inflatable Balloon


Samus receives a new Chozo upgrade, but the moment she activates it, she feels her butt swell in size, then stares in shock as her stomach becomes round and spherical, with her breasts becoming even larger. Samus tries to shut off her new add-on, but this causes it to jam, leaving her stuck as she continues growing until she practically fills the room.


Samus finds herself accidentally stumbling into a vacuum chamber within the space station and naturally begins to swell up to uber status, so much so that by the end of it she takes up the entirety of the room as her puffed up face and body features are pressed against the glass of the viewing window


Samus taking a break in a gym's locker room after a long workout session trying to take a seat but doesn't notice a p-balloon on the bench accidentally left there by some princesses causing her body to inflate into a massive balloon surprised and annoyed by the whole thing


Some alergy related inflation Sneezing or just swelling! Spring is here sooo

Captain Rocko

After a hard workout in the gym, an evil hand disguised as the good hand gives Samus a blue energy drink. She drinks it then goes for a jog. But she quickly realizes that she's turning blue and inflating/expanding from all the juice inside her. Before she can do anything she's a massive blueberry and is being rolled by the evil hands.

john shaw

Kingdom of Wonder Balloons: Exploring the Kingdom's Gardens, she happens across a Wonder Flower. After touching it however, she finds herself inflating and becoming a balloon with her hands and feet wiggling as she looks unamused. Blueberry Virus: Samus gets bitten by a blue Metroid as she turned blue and fills with juice. She rushes for a juicer but becomes a full berry just inches away from it. Curse of Pride: Samus gets cursed with the Sin of Pride, making her full of herself. She swells and inflates bigger and bigger (uber inflation if so desired) until she pops, fluttering to the ground and being escorted to the hospital to be pieced together. Slime Mother: A large slime forces its way into Samus's body, filling her her belly so that it can reproduce within her. Samus looks annoyed at first before sighing and happily patted the side of her large belly. Walk in the Park: Samus approaches a balloon cart before being ambushed by the evil hands. They inflate her into a balloon with helium, tying a string around her lips to keep the air from escaping and sell her off to some passing hands.


Her suit malfunctions and falls apart, only the torso piece stays on but it glitches out and squeezes her body so tightly causing her limbs and head to Uber inflate from the pressure


She gets ambushed by the evil hands and turn into assorted balloon animals


She hets hit by a laser beam which causes her body it inflate. Her arms, legs and head stay normal, its just her body is round and spherical

flexible people

Buoyancy Suit after almost getting squished by water pressure. Leads to a super inflated Samus bringing the crashed ship up from the depths


Somehow an air hose gets shoved up her ass and she starts to inflate into a full body blimp while being hugged by the baby Metroid


morph ball malfunction: samus inflates in ball instead and explodes out of her power suit Smash bros banned item: She is fighting in a Smash bros match and is pelted by P-balloons causing an uber inflation. Master hand bans the item later on Crash landing: Samus's ship is about to crash and the airbags won't deploy, She inserts air tank in her mouth till she is fully inflated. Once the ship crashes she bounces around her cockpit harmlessly Makeshift raft: A raft that is needed to rescue some aliens is damaged so Samus pops an air capsule into her mouth and inflates into an inflatable raft


some morph-ball action where she's compacted into a ball and then "inflated back to normal", still retaining her ball shape but being a very spherical and scrunched-up balloon

Mr. Munsey15

I got one Ridley grabs Samus and squeezes her like a stress toy, she makes a squeaky sound, and of course she Uber inflates, this makes her boos, butt, thighs, lips, and eyes puff out. Ridley has a lot of stress to relieve so he squeezes harder, and harder, and harder


Give her a new suit so sha can be "silly suit samus"


Elephant Samus (Thanks to the Elephant TF power up from Super Mario Bros Wonder) There is a building on fire and she inhales so much water from a nearby body of water her body becomes water logged. She "fucked up" and can't move, but thankfully the fireman showed up and was able to put out the fire without needing Elephant Samus's help.


she wears a spacesuit with helmet on which starts to inflate until she becomes the planet herself she turns the hands into balloons and then swallow them all


What if her body inflates and she looks like kraid but a female version


Wonderful Widening - Samus finds a wonder flower and realizes she likes her inflated form and goes after some nearby P-Balloons to get bigger. (Thought it'd be fun if Samus had a moment where she's not so above it all)


Power Tank Overload- A broken switch dispenses several power up tanks, swelling every facet of her body around the tanks like she is a thin coat of rubber on the piles, only for one final uber inflation after she consumed them all, puckering lips and puffed up eyes and all.


Mega Morph Ball - Looking for a way to improve her morph ball, she get inflated into a massive sphere. Annoyed at first, but once she see the damage she can do she's convinced Too Big For Smash - Fighting Ridley she blows into her thumb giving her a massive inflated buff body filling up the whole room/arena etc until Ridleys tail pokes her deflating her

Travis Djuhana

Tongue tied - a hand grab Samus’ tongue and a frog’s tongue and tied their tongues together and hang their tied tongues on the tree.

Scott Fine

compression suit breaking and showing off how inflated she is? battle poses of her fighting (offscreen) bosses with a progressively more inflated body?

James Sunderland

She's practicing in a target range and the evil hands sneak up on her while she's distracted with an inflation dart gun. they fire and she dodges at the last second, ready to shoot back, but then sees dozens of red targeting lasers on her body right before a small army of evil hands shoots her with DOZENS of inflation darts. She looks at the audience in despair, knowing what's about to happen. Her entire body shakes... then in under a second she bloats into a massive uber inflated blimp. She tries to blow the air out of her mouth and the evil hands quickly slap a sticking plaster over her mouth. Samus balloons even larger and continues overswelling, breaking out of the entire building and looking GIGANTIC. the evil hands look up in amazement with sweatdrops. comic panels show Samus' hands and feet swelling into massively bloated orbs with her fingers and toes popping into overinflated nubs. her eyes swell to enormous proportions. her body, breasts and ass swell even bigger. The evil hands shrug and prepare the tie ropes. Cut to the final panel 10 minutes later, showing Samus hopelessly overinflated, bigger than any other guest has ever been and looming over the entire city, tied with ropes to her swollen hands and feet so she doesn't float away. Her expression in her thought bubble has her blushing bright red and makes it clear she's more embarrassed than she's ever been in her life, as the good hands struggle to think of any way to deflate her from her hilariously overbloated state.

James Sunderland

Yeah, I know this is for shorter ideas. I literally can't come up with any interesting scenarios unless I do a wall of text though. Feel free to edit it down or save it for another time or whatever.

Al Rucker

Samus using an art tank to full up her cheeks with air making her cheeks really huge

Hat Nyauka Kid

Metroid Gains: Her Metroid DNA kicks in with her gaining a strong hunger for energy so she absorbs various electronics with her swelling up bigger and rounder later ending up as either a bottom-heavy giant or a round ball filled with electricity.


-While walking the evil hands shoot explosives at her mouth inflating her little by little until ends with them using one of her power bombs and she ends up as a smiling orb. - She ends up exploring the underwater environment of the kingdom in her ship but with a sudden change of pressure she ends up Uber inflating and getting out of the water. - Buying some balloons that are actually painted p balloons are popped while walking around with each pop inflating an individual part until the land post inflates her already inflated body and she ends up Uber inflating and being used as an attraction.