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Hellllo! We are here again today to continue our Burn The Stage reaction and well........... I wish I could say I didn't feel a little uncomfortable in this episode. But, if you always stay in your comfort zone, you'll never get the full picture. I really enjoy seeing the inner workings of the group, and I understand sometimes things can get a little tough. It is difficult to watch, but I'm truly glad they shared their genuine feelings with us. 💜💜


Burn The Stage: Episode 4

Watch Landon Andries's video about Burn The Stage: Episode 4. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.



I understand it can be hard to watch a little disagreement between the boys, but as Yoongi said, they spend more time of their lives with each other than with their own families. On another doc series, Jk literaly said: we're a team, but also a family. As pointed out by others, it was less of a matter of who was right or wrong and more of how pressure and stress can put people on edge. And the age and hierarchy factors can be hard to fully comprehend if we come from a culture that doesn't put the same weight on those. Tae often has trouble expressing himself and sometimes in a group of 7, when everyone gets loud or excited, he tends to be quiet if he doesn't get a chance to convey his thoughts.That can be frustrating. Jin is an unnusual "hyung" cause he often chooses to not impose his age to make the boys more comfortable. He also can get sensitive when it comes to dancing cause he works extra hard on it. It's easy for us watching to forget about hierarchy. You can see how age matters when Jimin gave his opinion, he said "V you have to remember Jin is older, and the same goes for you Jungkook" even though Jk was not involved in the fight. RM's leadership was admirable: he was "hard" but also caring and friendly. And the most important thing: when Tae said it brought them even closer, he meant it. Him and Jin have a very nice and sweet bond :)

Bangtan is life

I’m glad they showed the fight and the argument because people needed to see it, it doesn’t get more real then this