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Hello there! Here are some of the new environments built with the 3d models I talked about earlier. As it stands now, this allows me to pump these images more quickly from the rendered 3d models, working both as normal backgrounds and those used in scenes.

In addition, this also allows me to create small navigable sections, nothing too crazy at the moment, just a way for the player to move between scenes more organically. Ideally, if you want to interact with X character, you go and look for it, shifting away from the pure VN formula. Laura, for example, can be found selling rainwater in the park after school. 

These sections appear in v0.3, not in the beginning of the game yet, I will implement them again once I tweak those parts.

Some of these are a little rough in some spots, it depends on how much time I spend on each piece, but since I need a lot of them, I'm going for quantity right now. I'm going to move on to finishing Lena's scenes now, I'll see you guys in a bit.





I like 'em!