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This new luxury villa has two floors, a house for guards, a separate house for guests, and a stable!

Rare tier || Legendary tier || Divine tier || Frozen tier || 4k tier 

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DEMO Luxury Villa

I had already attempted to make a large mansion and fit it into one map quite a while ago - https://www.patreon.com/posts/villa-1st-floor-43064712. But there were a lot of problems there, from generally cramped rooms to poorly organized passageways between the rooms. The new luxury villa has two floors, a house for guards, a separate house for guests, and a stable. This map will come out in the middle of 2022 at https://www.patreon.com/animatedmaps But your likes and comments can actually bring this map's release date closer!



Hello! Beautiful! I can't seem to dinf the roofed versions, though... Am I missing something? Thanks!