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Hey everyone!

I've had a lot of requests for a Quest version of CH - I hadn't originally planned on supporting it, and I wasn't sure if it was possible on such a low powered device (compared to a gaming PC), but I said I'd give it a go anyway!

After some tests I realised it wouldn't be possible to have the full game running, too many things needed changing so I decided to try and create a stripped down and completely separate version. I had to make some pretty big changes including an engine upgrade, removing all the fluid and hair physics, switching to the mobile renderer, and changing the way the UI is implemented.

I then created an empty level with one character and a few lights to see if it could handle it, and it's actually running at 40 - 50fps. This is much better than I expected, and it's playable if you don't mind the low frame rate and some stuttering. This is without doing any optimisation, and I think I'd be able to get it running smoother if I do some performance profiling.

It's not perfect however: all the physics and animation systems work well, but I wasn't able to use the same character skinning system as the PC version. This means the knees, shoulders and ass area look a bit off when her limbs are bent more than about 90 degrees. It also messes up the clothing, so that's been removed for now. 

I might eventually be able to get around this, but I'm stuck and thought the best thing to do would be update you all on my progress and release an experimental build to get some feedback!

This won't be a polished build at all, it's in a very early state and I'm not happy with a lot of things, but I'm aiming to get something out soon. Because of the issues explained above I'm not sure if it's something I'll be able to make into a finished game, but I'll see what feedback I get and go from there.

Video coming soon!




Im glad you try to make this accessible for everyone. But wont making a separate product really slow production on the main game?


I actually use CH on the quest using the occulus link. An actual quest version would be cool. If you could somehow implement hand tracking... That would be a game changer haha.


I'm not sure how far the Quest version will go yet. Right now it's only an experiment, but if I can fix the issues I'll be able to migrate assets from the main game and have them working on the Quest without too much work, so I don't think it'll affect the main game. I'll also be able to use some of the assets I create for the Quest in the PC version, so in some ways it'll help.


Yeah! I'm waiting for Oculus to release UE4 support for hand tracking, they've said it'll be out in the first half of this year


I was able to boot the pc version on quest using VirtualDesktop’s side quest mod, only issue was it thought I was using vive controllers. Is this an issue on the captain hardcore end or on virtual desktops? Not looking for any real answer but maybe you could focus on just implementing some solution through virtual desktop? Just spitballing here. Keep up the entertaining work!


It sounds like a virtual desktop issue tbh. The version I'm talking about here actually runs without a PC, so you don't need virtual desktop!

Rob Cram

I agree with Spank. If people want to play this on Quest they can use the link cable. It seems like you are taking time away from the main game chasing a Quest dream. Maybe experiment with Quest once the main game is complete?


Pardon my newbieness, but how (where is the link for Quest version) can we download it? Thanks


You are a hero


Are we able to sideload this with an apk file? Very interested in running this without a computer


Hello ! Where I can find the app for the quest ? :)


Sorry for the slow reply, you probably found it already but it's here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/experimental-now-34219338