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  • YeenBusGulp1.mp4



This is definitely a new thing for me. I got the idea last night, and I was like "alright fuck it." I ended up staying up all night on it.

Idk why, but I've always wanted to animate a big anthro lady swallowing a car. But I figured, why not a bus? So I tried to find a bus. But the one I found was subpar, so I made my own, which is what you see here.

Just look at that mouth, holy shit.

Don't worry Patreon, it's a college bus. Which is also empty. 



Dural Goon

Hey, that's pretty neat! You could definitely create more macro/micro animations like this. Really creative view from the window, don't see enough of such angles.

Miyagawa Ketsueki

Lol is it just me or are all of your animations like "I had a vision at 130 in the morning and I stayed up until 2 in the afternoon making it here you go"