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Fucking finally got her done. It was the textures that were taking so long, I couldn't get them to where I wanted them. It always looked low-res and shitty, since she's such a BIG fucking model. What I ended up doing is using several procedural textures (The skin for the nose, the inside of the mouth, the ass, the fur, and the hooves) And I used a masking texture to mix them together. That way I get basically infinite resolution, with the ability to change parts of the texture without actually editing the texture itself. Now the only non-procedural texture on there is literally just her fur color and pattern. Everything else, including all the normals, is procedural.

This took a few hours to figure out, but I think the results speak for themselves.

Now for the statistics. I measured her proportions, and I put them through a calculation to figure out her weight (Because it's an impressive number I can brag about.) And Basically her figures are this.

She's 9ft 2 measured from head to foot, standing normally. Of course that's not how horses are measured, So from the ground to her withers is about 26 hands tall. Which is pretty fucking big, she's a massive animal. Definitely made to pull very heavy things, or at least look like she does. And her weight, quite impressively, came out to just over 4,400lbs. Which depending on the exact model, is heavier than a Chevy Silverado. And much heavier than the average car. She literally weighs over two tons.

As you can see from the last image, this puts her at just the right size to swallow the average sized German Shepherd.



Tyler Baker

Will you be doing a animation of her


To say I’m just excited to see her in the future woukd be an understatement!


I’m pretty pleased with her, she’s like… been a long time in the making and I’ve done a lot of new stuff with her. Like actual gums being part of the inside of her mouth. And the roof of her mouth actually having the ridges like horses do.


Fucking hell that sounds awesome, shame we don’t get a render of that maw just yet, but I’m so excited to see this monster in action


What you thinking of putting in her?


Can't wait to see her gulping down some lucky prey <3


Amazing. :^)


gawd damn, thats a bitch big! With a bigger appetite too ;3

Sunlight Swift

This is a lovely mare and she is perfect

Tyler Baker

Love to see more of her