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I’ve been working so hard on Blender stuff lately it’s become like a second job. I haven’t been sleeping, since I’ve been staying up all night every night. I don’t get to bed til 3 or 4AM, and it’s really started to effect me, I’ve been exhausted and unable to focus on anything.

In other news, This page has grown significantly in the last month, and I’m very greatful for your support, all of you. I hope I can continue to earn it with everything I do here. So Thank you all for continuing to support me, and this page.

I’m not gonna stop doing stuff, but I am gonna be slowing down significantly with the animating stuff for a week or two until I’ve recovered from this. I just need to get some rest. Thanks for the understanding.



Take care of yourself man! It’s something so simple yet a lot of us probably don’t as often as we should!

Sunlight Swift

That works for me. I just had my gall bladder removed Monday and I fully understand the need for rest. Real life stuff happens and people got to be down here and there. Mine is a six week recovery. Take care


Take your break, you've earned it!