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Good morning everyone! 😍 I hope you’re all having a lovely day so far ⛅️✨

I decided to make a step-by-step sheet about how I created my color palette for my recent drawing “peonies”! 💌 It’s a little different from my usual step-by-steps because I’ll be showing you guys more of my thought process and sharing tips along the way ☺️📝✨ I’ll be diving into some color theory for this one so it’s a tiny bit more advanced, but I tried to simplify it as much as possible! 💛 I hope you guys find it useful 🥰

I’ve included the step-by-step as an attachment at the bottom of this post, just search for the little paper clip! 📎 Once you access the sheet, simply zoom in to read each of the steps and follow the numbers so you don’t get lost! This one has a lot of detail haha 🙈☺️
I hope you guys enjoy!! I definitely need to make a video about how I make my color palettes because it’s so much fun! 🥳

Have a wonderful day guys! ✨

Lydia ✏️




Thank youuuu 😍 this palette is such a mood ✨


Tysm! This is so useful


Hehe thank you! 😍✨ I had sooo much fun with it, it’s been a while since I used colors like these! 💛


so informative!!! thank you! also— this palette is SO PRETTY

Helena Jayne

this was so helpful thank you so much!


So helpful ! Thank you 😀