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Hello again everyone! 😌

A couple days ago I mentioned that I would be implementing some changes to your tiers for the upcoming months, and this post has all the details you need to know! 💛 The reason I’m making some of these changes is because of our amazing community growing so much each month, and there are a couple rewards I’ll have to replace in order for me to keep up with everything 🙈 but I have some exciting news about a new reward I’ll be adding, so keep reading! ☺️

Here are the changes:

  • New Reward: I’ve decided to try something super new & exciting, and start making studio vlog videos! 🥳🎞 This is something I’ve wanted to try for a long time but didn’t have the equipment for it, but now thanks to your support I can start making those kinds of videos! 😍✨ Once per month I’ll make a cozy studio vlog showing a more intimate look at my workflow and life as a freelance artist. I’ll take you with me on little adventures and share more of what I do during the day 🍪✨ These videos will be available for all Devoted Dragonfly patrons! 🥳 the first one is coming in January so be readyyy!
  • The next big change I’m making is discontinuing the Draw Me Event, which has been such a fun event ever since I started my Patreon! It was really awesome while our community was small, but nowadays it’s getting harder to keep up with all of the portraits! I’ve sketched around 100 of you guys which is so crazy to think about 🙈 The great news about this change is that I will now have more time during the month to create more content for you guys, and more art! I’m really excited about it 🥰 If you joined late this month to receive a sketch in January, DM me 💛
  • The other big change will involve my past tutorial videos! I’ve created so many videos over the months since I started Patreon, and I’ve decided to create a Tutorial Video Vault reward and move my past tutorials into the Devoted Dragonfly tier! Patrons in this tier will have access to all past tutorials I’ve made and be able to scroll through & watch all of them 🤗 Patrons in the Considerate Cocoon tier will continue to have access to a new monthly tutorial! At the end of each month, that month’s tutorial video will be moved to the vault in the Devoted Dragonfly tier 💌 I will also continue to post step-by-step tutorials & how-to sheets in the Considerate Cocoon tier, and all past step-by-steps will continue to be accessible in that tier! I’ve decided to make this change because I put so much hard work into my tutorial videos and my desire is to make them affordable for everyone, because I love giving you guys the best! But it’s my hope to continually create higher quality content for you guys while being able to sustain my freelance work.

And that’s it! ✨ This is such a long post so thank you for reading this far!! 🙈 Your support means the world! 💛 Thank you guys for being the best patrons ever and for enabling me to do what I love and take you with me on the journey ☺️ I can’t wait to start a fresh new month with you all and get started on all the exciting stuff ahead! 💫

Happy New Year everyone! 🎉✨


Lydia 💌




Ahhh!! So excited for the vlogs 😄

Carly Houzenga

Will tutorial videos only be available for the month they're posted for the butterfly teir too then? Also if a tutorial video is posted close to the end of the month would there only be a few days to watch it before it moves to the vault?


These are excellent questions! 💛 I should’ve specified this in the post, but the tutorial video will be available for a full month after its initial date of posting; so that means if I post it on the 15th, it will be available for a full 30 days after that before it moves to the Devoted Dragonfly tier! 💛 I’ll make sure to keep you guys informed and updated so you won’t have to worry about keeping track of it :)

Elena Buya

Can't wait to see you vlogs ☺️


When are these changes starting? I just joined and need to know if I have to binge watch the video tutorials on the considerate cocoon before they’re gone.


Don’t worry! 💛 Since this is short notice, I won’t be moving all of them to the Devoted Dragonfly tier at the start of the month 😊 It will probably be near the end of January to give you guys an extra month! 💛


Hi! So I'm guessing the butterfly tier will also not have access to past tutorials after a month then? Sorry if it's a bit of a silly question! I just wanted to know what changes I would face being part of that tier 🙈


Hey! 💛 Yes, past tutorial videos will be moved to the Devoted Dragonfly tier at the end of January to give you guys some time! 😌 Each new tutorial will be up for a full month after its posting date as well and be available for everyone :) Let me know if you have any other questions! ✨


So as Butterflies, even though we have paid for past months' tutorials, after each month will be over, we won't be able to go back to them unless upgrading to Dragonflies?


The tutorial for each month will be available in lower tiers for a full 30 days after its posting date, so it won’t go immediately to the Devoted Dragonfly tier by the end of the month! 💛 This way, you guys will have time to watch the video if you’re in a lower tier 😊 As for past tutorials, I’ll be moving them to the Devoted Dragonfly tier by the end of January (to give you guys some extra time), because when I started Patreon and only charged $2 for my tutorials, it made sense with a small amount of videos; but now that I’ve made almost 30 tutorials, it makes sense value-wise to move them up a few tiers. I’m still going to create a new tutorial each month and make it available for the lower tiers because I want to give you guys the best and keep them affordable for everyone! I hope that makes sense, and thank you so so much for your support!! 💛