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Whew... this month has been kicking my butt! I've been back from Wondercon, but had to lock down on getting the sketches together. I was having a bit of trouble getting something satisfactory, so I ended up doing a bunch of sketches by the end. 

Several takes on spiral arrows, cannon spikes, delta throws, stretch poses haha... 

Because of requests and her position as second place in the poll, Juri is often the punching (kicking?) bag / sparring partner in a few of these pics!

For the sake of time, I'm going to go ahead with one of these images and start now.(check the zip file for the full set! There are quite a few this time around! Patreon has a 30 image post limit, so I couldn't show all of them here.) 

BUT, I always am curious to hear which ones you like the most! That may influence what I end up going with (or, at least, I'm going to hope that I guessed right haha..) Do you have any favorites / preferences here?

Speaking about Wondercon- Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by!! I'll say something more proper on the Discord once I get this month's content finished.

Thanks ! Enjoy~




I think 3, 50, and 55 are my faves :) every sketch is so cool tho!


59 with an inset shot of juri being conked out clears the rest easy, cammy's coolest move by far and the sketch does it perfect justice. also don't know if you're still doing variations but the composition comes off as something that you can mix up a lot naturally, like battle damage and different inset shot faces and what have you besides that 43, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30, and 77 are awesome

Hannibal Burgers

They all look amazing! My personal faves are 3, 19, 21, 25, 27, 38, & 55. 47 is also great, mostly because of Juri's "I'm in danger" expression lol


26, 43 and 58 for me. Love the thigh grabs :)


The dynamics from 16A through 25 is astounding. Really, any of the sketches involving aerials, leaping, and combat with Juri are great (55, and 60). For me, 51 is reminiscent of JJBA (like Sticky Fingers/Zipper Man).


Yeah, can't help but really like Cammy doing thr Movie attack on Juri


Thanks! I'm glad to hear that, and I think I'd put that in my WIP list for definite possible revisit. I'd have also done it as a follow-up to the one I ended up going with, since it literally would be aha~ and yeah, it lends itself well to variants.


Ahaha, it was fun throwing in Juri panicking about various situations in these!


Those kind of throws are a lot of fun, glad you like it!


Oh, that's interesting that 51 has Sticker Fingers like vibes aha~ it is fun to try to figure out pose stuff for Cammy, she has some pretty wild twisty ones owo


Glad to hear it! Thanks! And yeah, seeing that they brought that move into her set was so cool~


obviously the one you went with is pretty tight but yes, 59 as a bonus follow-up somewhere down the line would go hard for many reasons


I'll definitely keep that in mind yesss :9 Glad you like this one as well, but yea makes enough sense to have a follow-up too oho~