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Sorry about the delay, I was out of town for a couple of days for a family trip and am currently in the process of catching up.

First off, here is this month's illustration! It's technically two this time (with variants) - because I happened to draw a similar image, they kind of feel sequential to each other haha~

The masked phantom Crimson Mask Koujin finds herself in a ghostly grapple with the soaked specter, La Niña!

I figured this pic would be a fun one to complete- doing the water droplets in a stylized but convincing enough manner took a bit longer than I anticipated! And to be honest, I probably could have gone a bit more ambitious with reflected/refracted lights bouncing off of them, but I probably would have gone crazy trying to figure that out in an abstract but accurate-ish kind of way lol. Still, was fun to play around with a bit.

That being said, this actual match-up, while inevitable at some point, isn't in the initial story yet- which is why I also figure showing it on Patreon compared to social media / the public would be a sort of neat sneak peek into potential future plans / brainstorming in general.

I'm hoping to shove in a few more UMA posts before the month ends! I'll try to highlight individual characters a bit more, like I did with Zenko so far. Of course, I'll keep sharing content even after the month ends, but I figured since this month is meant to be themed around UMA, more of that before the month ends would be nice.



David Sutherland

Happy to see a post today! This talk of a storyline; if this isn't published as a game, is it going to be a comic?


Ah yeah, my initial goal for now since it's more feasible with my current resources, is to do a comic- plus I have a general idea of the story, at least for the first part, so I can be more effective with my concepting with that context. Plus, it's fun to think about haha. But yeah, it would be nice to dabble in the possibility of a game too- I need to follow up on that more as well.


fantastic work here! :O I love the alt. with La Niña's hair carelessly laying on CM's eyes. :O :O :O


getting a little handsy there =P


So cool!! So much energy waaooaoo colors fantastic! characters cute!!!


hahaha lot of La Niña just floppin/ soppin / slappin water stuff all over the place! Glad ya like it oho~


Hahah yes, strategic hand placement there lolol


Thanks! It was fun to color, albeit a bit tricky this time around, glad you like it too! Also, I'll post more sketches of La Niña once I get that to a more presentable state as well oho~