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I'm focusing on posting more original content to go with an "OC-tober," theme this month. And, since it's spooky-times in general too, I figure it would be fun to cross the two topics and have this month's theme be original character monstergirls, since I do tend to have a lot of those in general. 

Here are 10 to choose from! A handful are from current projects I've been thinking about lately, and a few are from the past, recently revitalized or dormant ones I haven't touched in a while in general.

Here's a look at their designs- during the week I'll make separate posts that cover some of these characters in more detail, as well as showcasing the possible illustration, as I do have a few WIPs for many of these. (Or, very likely what I might end up also doing is fully drawing and shading the pose they are doing in this illustration as well)

I'll keep the poll running until Sunday, Oct. 17 !

Astrasura - A dragon-like asura who wields a massive kartika against the gods themselves!

Frauleinstein - A pulpy kitschy ero shlock story about a franken-bimbo who is trying to escape the perilous laboratory fortress island of the lecherous Dr. Schneider Fraude. 

Wendy - Just your friendly neighborhood spider maid !

Rosemary - The moon and the stars shine at night AND in the ring! Vampire wrestling prodigy of the UMA!

Maki - Tough and sturdy, Maki is the oni wrestler of the UMA. She may be new, but she'll stand up to any challenge, and always looking for a fight!

Crimson Mask Koujin - The hero for her hometown, ghost wrestler Crimson Mask Koujin is ready to show her skills in the ring!

Dr. Bedsyde - The Dungeon Physician, she is a succubus who uses her energy draining abilities in reverse to help heal injured workers of the dungeon, much to their elation. However, despite her techniques, she is quite cool and clinical in her personality.

Maylgeiz - The second in command boss of the dungeon, Maylgeiz is an "eyeholder" now, but was once a legendary magical bikini-armor heroine known as Brave Buster Maylgeiz. Propaganda of the human kingdom may say that she was "corrupted," but she believes it's more of a matter of perspective and nuance. Though, perhaps nuance doesn't apply to certain aspects of her, and one should keep in mind what direction their perspective is going.

Sabine -  "My organs are right here, if you were wondering.." 

Zombie pirate Sabine knew Maylgeiz back in her Brave Buster heroine days. A design I had for Halloween themed images in general, but I think I found a fun place to put her in, in terms of a story.

Samaelle - An angel of death ! Seems like a rather pleasant personality, though.


Neostar Productions

Man, I am loving these character designs! 🤩

Neostar Productions

I could totally see most of these ladies with their own arcade titles! 😁👍🏾


These designs are soo fricking good! Gosh I could stare at these all day man, so many details in each design!


Thanks! It is fun to think of game ideas or characters who could fit in various contexts like that. I'm glad to hear you digging them !


thanks! haha some of these definitely have an intense amount of details haha~ at some point I may post up some variations as they are layered and I can showcase some of the different layers in the outfits and details (i guess part of why it took a little bit of time lol~)