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Had too much fun with dumb pun names to go with it haha, but wanted to draw something Easter related. I still need to do a proper full illustration of 2B some day, but here's something in the meantime.

Here's without the last Photoshop touchups

And the WIP




Is so fantastic. Also, is so funny to see 9S as 2B's servant. I always saw in 2B a dominant side.


WOW! Great work as usual! I love the way you use color and portray everything space! Not to meantion the content is hilarious as well as satisfying in design! :D


Thanks! It was kinda tricky fitting stuff together, but I guess also kinda fun to not have to worry too specifically about outfit details in this particular illustration.


Glad you like it, it's kinda fun playing off of that interaction hehe


If you don't mind my asking, what is it that inspires you to do the pieces that you do? :)


You did really great, alex!! so cute and great! always good to see your pinups :)


Hm, I guess if I wanted to draw the characters and an excuse to do so. Also, a sense of time pressure helps haha (like how this was "due" by Easter) and also overall in this specific case, I just like drawing bunny outfits, so an excuse to do that is fun lol