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Just a reminder, will be taking a break in June so no color poll for this month. Might hold it off for the following month (July) as im still behind on the ones voted on during April. So even tho i say its a break I'll still be working on things lol.

As for what I had mentioned for the $10 patrons, I was thinking of raising the price by another $5. (so $15 dollars total for the Hot n Steamy Tier.) This in no way effects the other Tiers but has been something that I've been dwelling on for awhile.

Tho with the current situation of the world I'm even more hesitant to increase the price, so i might hold off on it for another month or two.



Just curious, why not open more slots for the $10 tier ?


Or limit the number of times you can be in that tier so more people have a chance. I would honestly say paying $20 (which I would do) is more justifiable for the amount of work and quality you give for them.


It's a lot of work for him to open more slots. I believe there are 10-12 slots already and that's a ton of drawings already. So, if there were more, it would hinder Forsa and probably stress him out more so.


because 10-12 sketches each month is a lot and i have other things i'd like to work with.


would like to build up to 20$ but wouldnt want to go up another whole 10$ from the get go. so im more comfortable with $15. and having folks switch in an out involves a whole other preparation that i dont really have the time for :(


I gotcha. Still, $15, for now, is good for us since it's not $20 yet haha. NOO! It just sucks that they're guaranteed those sketches every month while other people want a chance at them tbh and it never happens :( BIG RIP