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I'm being a bit of a broken record on this at the moment, but April has been a lot! I'm getting back into my rhythm but the first week of this fortnight involved back pain that meant I couldn't write for most of the week, which was not great (for writing or for general comfort and happiness).

I really appreciated everyone's warm wishes about my name change - I'd been nervous about it but it really means a lot to know that I didn't have to be.

I'm continuing to work on Chapter 10, and it's going pretty well, even if it's slower than I'd have liked. I broke 400,000 words which is incredible! And today I did send off the second draft of an outline for a secret project which I've been sitting on and angsting over for a couple of months.

Current wordcount: 405309

Fortnight wordcount: 6715

I hope to carry on getting into a more consistent, productive groove next week - and to continue doing all the various yoga and stretches I need to do in order to get that chapter drafted sometime soon. Fingers crossed!

Most of Chapter 10 is so spoilery about plot that I can't share much without context, but I really loved writing a scene with Korzha in which the PC can confess that you're worried about something that's going on, and Korzha comforts them.

I've had a couple of bug reports for Chapter 5 where talking to Raffi at the canteen and asking about their friends in New Belmir City repeats but though I've investigated, I've had trouble replicating it myself - if that's happened to you too, please could you let me know?

I hope you're having a nice Friday, and have a great weekend!


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