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Hello! So I thought I'd try to make smaller posts more often in-between larger stuff, to keep y'all updated on what I'm currently up to, to share some stuff I'm doing or just to tell you that I haven't died :D  

So, I haven't started working on the FU-T4 virus part 2 yet, as I've been real busy with real life as well as other hobbies (also those "comic" style sequences take a hell of a lot of time and commitment so to avoid burning out I also like to take some breaks from that from time to time).

But I also don't want to keep you all in the dark and not post for several weeks at a time as I've done before (since even when I do decide to start working on a sequence, it can take me 1-2 weeks to finish a whole one as I want to keep the quality standard as high as I can), so I think that from now on, between larger sequences or if I feel like I'm taking too much time between two posts, I'll just make smaller single image posts, since the "time investment" to "satisfaction" ratio is much higher with those, and it lets me share stuff with you guys more often :D

Sometimes the images will be related to what I'm currently busy with (usually good-looking pics that I don't want to use in the main story for whatever reason, or ideas tangentially related to the story but that don't quite fit in there), or just some random idea that popped in my head and had me think "Hmm, how would this look?" (such as the previous "Hi-res experiments" post)

But this one (and probably a few more to come...) is very much in the theme of the virus story. Poor girl's panties just completely tore... Although that's not too much of an issue considering that she may never be able to wear some again... Or go outside for that matter, what with her new third leg 👀

Anyway, I hope you don't mind my wordy, unfiltered stream of consciousness! And I hope you enjoy the picture! Have a nice evening, love y'all! ❤️




As long as it will be good, I'm willing to wait.


I second Nerdof90’s. Besides you JUST put out probably the best expansion comic ever (the goddess… ummff 😍) so take your time and it’s ok to recharge a bit. The holidays are coming too so it gets busy with real life stuff this time of year. We will be here for the next excellent edition you put out