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★Feng Shui - Fame & Reputation - South Corner Energizer★ **EXCLUSIVE**

★Feng Shui - Fame & Reputation - South Corner Energizer★ **EXCLUSIVE**

Greetings of Peace, love and blessings on this amazing day!

We are super excited to Introduce to you a brand new installment “Fame & Reputation - South Corner Energizer” from our up and coming album “Feng Shui”, which will include various formulas to improve all areas of your life including family, love, fame, career, prosperity, relationships, health and so much more.

This album will be available exclusively to our patreon family and website as well. We will only introduce 2 formulas total for youtube.

As you may know, Feng shui (literally meaning “wind and water,”) is a complex system of ancient practices that aims to enhance your wellbeing inside a space (be it a home, an office, or a garden) by promoting a good flow of energy within that space.. Essentially, it is a method of arranging your environment so that energy, or "chi," flows though the environment, attracting balance and harmony in different areas on our lives while altering the energy in a space through the conscious arrangement of objects and colors.

Chi is the term used in feng shui to refer to the universal energy present in and around us. Ch’i is the animating life force that is everywhere; it “permeates your home, physical surroundings, the rivers roads, trees, and all people”.

Our home is our safe haven, and we have probably never been more aware of this than we are right now, after a long few months of collective confinement.

The way our homes are laid out, decorated, and maintained can have a powerful impact on how we feel, how productive we are, how well we sleep, the energy we attract and what we attract in our lives in general. Probably even more so if we share that space with other people, where our individual energies and personal styles are bound to affect one another.

Feng Shui is all about balancing five elements which are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Their correct presence and placement in our space stimulates Chi and promotes our wellbeing. The optimal placement of the five elements is determined by the energy map of our space, called Bagua in feng shui.

The Bagua map (which translates to "eight trigrams" in Chinese) is an important tool for creating this kind of harmony and balance throughout a space.

A bagua map is used to divide your space into nine separate areas—each one relating to a certain theme. The center square of the bagua is considered the heart of the home, where the energy is distributed to all the different sectors.

Here are the nine areas in Feng Shui:

1. Career, Life Mission and Individuality (North Corner)

2. Marriage, Relationships and Partnerships (SouthWest Corner)

3. Health, Family and Community (East Corner)

4. Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth (SouthEast Corner)

5. Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude (Center)

6. Helpful People, Spiritual Life and Travel (NorthWest Corner)

7. Children, Creativity and Fun (West Corner)

8. Wisdom, Self-Knowledge and Rest (NorthEast Corner)

9. Fame, Reputation and Social Life (South Corner)

The location of the front door determines the location of the prosperity corner, as the front door is considered the main entrance of "chi" into the home.

In Feng Shui the South corner represents the Fame and reputation energy area.

The material associated with this corner is wood, the colors are red, yellow, orange, purple, and pink while  the element is fire.

Based on Feng Shui Principles, when you bring good energy to your fame and reputation area, it can improve how others perceive you.

The Feng Shui Bagua Map recognizes and includes Fame and reputation as one of the eight major influences in our lives. It can then support us in our endeavors toward building a favorable impression, reputation or standing with everyone we encounter. Then our Fame’s impact will spread to connect us with more people and opportunities.

Cultivating a good reputation helps friendly relations to spring up all around us, creating the best chances for a happy and secure future.

Fame and Reputation is the area that is about you. This area is where you are making a statement about who you are and what you want to be known for.

The Career area is directly across from Fame and Reputation and the two should balance and support each other. A good reputation is important in order to be successful in your career. Have things that affirm who you are and what you want to be known for in both places. Be sure that whatever is hanging on the walls promotes and supports your intentions about yourself.

This complex and balanced qualified formula works balance, enhance, boost and energize the Feng Shui energy of your fame and reputation corner (South) to attract positive fame, strengthen your public image, boost loving personality traits, influence, reputation, balance, harmony, more opportunities in your life and a boost of your inner light as it will radiate higher.



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