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Hey guys,

I wanted to post a mini update as it may slightly effect work flow going into next month. 

Currently my husband and I are staying with a friend after some shotty roof work...along with some heavy rain lead to major water damage our home. This sadly also lead to our ceilings caving in, in parts of the house. 

We are safe, and I thankfully have my work station, but I will be taking a few personal days to breath and get shit fixed. I may be a bit late in responding to messages, but I will respond asap! I am sorry for the trouble this might cause. 

Thank you though for your continued support, I promise things will be back to normal in no time. 

In the mean time, please be sure to drop suggestions for the coming Poll. Once I am able I will have that posted for you all...just need a few days to get life sorted out. 

Thank you for understanding.




Yikes! Yeah do whatcha need to do


Good luck and I hope things get better for you soon. (This is Pat, btw. I decided to change my username. My actual name seemed too, I don't know, revealing...)

Antonio B.

Understood just fine, you take care of yourself and house first. /b


Take what time you need to get things sorted. Hope all turns out fine!


Thank you, I will find out tomorrow how long things will be crazy. Hoping it wont be to long