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 hey bros!

i hope u guys are stoked about house of the dragon tonight cause i sure am

i just wanted to hop on and remind u guys to please submit ur audio ideas via the form pinned on my patreon (if ur in my server, the form is in the #patreon-bulletin channel)

i also wanted to post the audio directory for you all so if you're not sure if i've already done an audio, you can quickly check as a lot of the ideas i get on these forms are repeats of audios i've already done. the audio archive is here for you all to be able to see what's available to you and i really hope it has been helpful since i decided to archive the audios for you/

the next 2 audios will be picked by y'all via a poll and will be entirely comprised of y'alls ideas so pls let me know what sexy ideas u have for me 


i'm glad u guys all liked the last 3 audios i posted, the sleep play audio is for sure one of the top 3 audios i've ever recorded so i'm glad some of u seemed to really enjoy it.

anyway that's it

don't forget to drink water



Bear Bri

Dear M, We love your work and, more importantly, appreciate you just for being who you are. Please know that we (my wife and I) will stick with you. Take however much time you need. Err on the side of taking more. Recovery from burnout IS possible but it takes time. Lots of it. Hang in there.