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hi hi hi hi hi

first off, i just wanted to hop on and let y'all know that i'm hiring a web designer to help me organize and archive my audios on my website so they can be searchable by tag, tier and platform. it's going to take a bit of time as there are some audios that aren't tagged from like my first year on patreon so bear with me! a lot of you said you wished it was easier to search through my catalog but it definitely was something i couldn't take on myself as my catalog is like 300+ audios. i'll be sure to give you guys some updates along the way but i'm excited for all of this to come together!!!

secondly, please don't forget to submit your audio ideas and remaster requests. there will be two polls going up within the next week. one will be for an early access audio and another for the remaster for the month.

thirdly, slob kebab asmr will be posted along with the last audio of the month. i'm super super excited because i bought a bunch of like audibly appealing things to use in it so this audio will prob be my first like proper asmr attempt.

i know i've been all over the place but i'm feeling better than i have in a while and i'm still committed to putting out good stuff. i hope you all still enjoy my work and stick with me as i continue to grow as a performer. your kindness and support is definitely not lost on me and i feel lucky to be able to share myself and my intimacy with you.

i hope you all have a good rest of your weekend!




Are you kidding? No one makes the amazing content you do. No one.


Very much looking forward to the future of searchable M audios. All good things and positive vibes, M <3