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i am currently sitting in front of my microphone trying to record something for y’all!

a few updates:

-i am completely back this month so i am hoping to be semi regular as far as uploading but

-i can’t walk so bear with me

-i had a really bad fall the day before yesterday and injured both my feet

i’ll talk about what happened in my catch up later tonight

also sorry that i went MIA again. my brothers health has been deteriorating and i was helping to care for him. my other brother came into town to see him and left yesterday so that’s why i hadn’t posted anything this month.

dude if you believe in like good juju like pls send it my way, i literally cannot take anymore lmao like i deadass am using my deceased grandmas old walker cause i can’t walk. i need a fucking break

talk to y’all in a bit!




Sending you many happy, healing thoughts. Please know that we all love, honor and support you.