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hello my loves!!

i was drinkin a monster and hanging out being a giggly slob kebab and recorded this catch up!

i hope u guys enjoy hanging out w me and thank u for being here 💕





Whether or not sit ups are useless depends on the context. If you are doing a lot of movements where you are bending forward at the lower back against gravity or some resistance then it would make sense to do more sit ups if you need to strengthen this specific movement. If this is a movement you don't really need to strengthen then I would question the value of the sit up.


I tried to look into how much iodine is in your seaweed bites but I am unable to find that information since its not required by the FDA. It seems that hyperthyroidism caused by excess iodine is pretty commonplace in Japan where folks eat a lot of seaweed. However, it seems that most folks with a non-diseased thyroid can actually tolerate 2g of iodine just fine. From what I could find, it seems the risk factors for folks who can't tolerate too much Iodine well are folks with thyroid diseases and folks with an iodine deficiency. According to the NIH, the upper limit of iodine for adults is 1100 micrograms. From what I could find, a serving of nori from SeaSnax has 25 micrograms of Iodine. Another source said that most dried nori has 232 micrograms of iodine for every 10 grams of Nori. As a nutrition minor, and based off the aforementioned numbers, I think you should be fine as long as you are eating less than 45 grams of seaweed on a daily basis. However, this number may be even lower if you also consume foods that contain salts fortified with iodine. I personally would not worry about it too much since it seems this is a craving rather than a long term form of eating. However, I am not familiar with your medical history or your family medical history so IDK anything about your thyroid. Setting a daily limit may be helpful. I am not a medical doctor and so what I have said should be taken with a grain of salt (hahahaha). It is not medical advice. It is my opinion based off some of the sources listed below and my nutrition minor. Sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30891786/ https://www.healthline.com/health/iodine-poisoning#outlook https://www.kqed.org/bayareabites/96307/savoring-seaweeds-what-you-need-to-know-before-diving-in


M is the best, Hope all is good🥺