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hey hello!

welcome back to another emotions!! today i'm talking about anxiety, grief, my dad and mass shootings.

thank you for all your kind words after last months installment and i hope you get something out of this.





M I honestly dunno how you are able to share such emotion and pain. I lost one of my aunts in India to covid a few months back when covid was really bad in India. I remember being up late at night with my mum, telling my aunt to hold on and that she could make it through. We suspected the docs weren't taking the best care of her because all of the hospital beds were taken up and there were much wealthier people that needed beds. About 20 minutes after I last spoke to her they called us and told us she was dead. My mum keeps asking me to talk to my cousin, to comfort her, but I just can't. I don't have the guts to go down that road with her. I used to have trouble apologizing mostly out of pride. One of my teachers then told me that by apologizing I am redeeming a piece of my soul. The apology may not necessarily provide comfort to the other person and the other person may not give af about your apology but at least you know you've done your best to be accountable about your actions.


Oh M, I'm sorry about everything. Having anxiety sucks I have it as well and being a Mexican these last 4 years were also crappy for me. I'm so sorry that you have to go through things like that you're such a wonderful being who deserves happiness you're so so perfect M. I hope life has many good things lined up for you because you deserve it M. You've done your best M that's all you can do. I surely hope life can give you great things.