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hey guys!

first off, i took yesterday completely off the internet after i posted so i haven't gotten to reading all the comments and messages some of y'all sent yesterday but thank you so much if you took the time to do so and if you understood where i was coming from. it really means a lot 💕

secondly, this episode of emotions was really hard because it was fathers day this past weekend and i decided two days before fathers day that i no longer want to pursue a relationship with my father. it was an extremely hard decision to make and i've been really upset over it but ultimately, it's what i think is best for me and my mental health at this time.

i hope this helps someone in some way and i hope this isn't too hard to get through.





We understand M! Wishing you all the best right now! 🤗🤗


I did the same thing with my father. Keep follow your heart and heal. You should always put your own needs first and love yourself before you can fully love someone else.


What incredibly powerful writing at the end. Good for you for doing what needed to be done, no matter how much it hurt, to end it with your father. The Midwesterner in me wants to give you, your brother, and his SO a big hug and cook y'all a bunch of BBQ 😭

Connor Mckenzie

Stay strong. Relationships with parents can be so hard


Hang in there!