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so first a few updates:

-i have 2 more audios going up this weekend!

-new ramble/sing along thing going up tonight!

-new pod on sunday!!! get hypeeeeeeeee (pls send ur love to Alice as she was hit hard by the snowstorms so I asked the bestie Emma Fielder if she'd fill in this month super short notice and she agreed to! we're talkin heists!!!) 💖

-i dyed my hair purple and aquamarine!!! (more about it in the ramble tonight!!)


if ur in my discord server then u already know this but i spent all month trying to get the perfect recording set up (i bought a new desk, studio headphones, new mic stands, an expensive ass shock mount) so i'm going to start working on stereo work starting in March since i have the two mics i bought with y'alls support!!! if u have any pointers or any videos i can watch to make it easier, throw them my way as its the first time i'll be using 2 mics or attempting this!

secondly, i'm going to be doing an extra audio a month (thats 7 audios) as i'm going to have a lot more room to record and get back to focusing on patreon audios exclusively!

also, y'all really seemed to like my smash + a toy audio the other day. i mayhaps might vc in the patron section of my server while doing this next month. i could make it a monthly thing if y'all are interested, like i can buy games for my switch and my oculus and do this as an extra patron discord perk?? let me know if you'd be interested in listening to me play/get off live!

i am very excited for next month and i hope u are too.

luv u!!




Yes to the bottom 🙏


Lots to be excited for! I'd love to hear a live session or more audios with games too.