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Hey y’all!

I have a poll going up later today and the 2 themes that win the poll are going to be the next 2 audios going up so please make sure you submit your ideas via the form I posted on the 29th of December. I want to make sure I’m recording exactly what you want to hear!

All of October’s custom work is going out today. I have a handful of audios to finish up from November but I plan on those being out possibly Monday morning as tomorrow is my grandmothers and my mothers birthday and I’ll be spending the day with my mom as the day is really rough for her since my grandma passed. The custom form for this month will be going out with the last of November’s customs as well!!

Also I’m not sure if any of you are aware but I have decided to permanently step back from GWA. I’ll be going into more detail as to why in a ramble tomorrow but I wanted to quickly mention it as I want to make sure you all know I plan to continue posting on here and Patreon is still very much my #1 priority.

Appreciate you all so much!



Hugo The Marvelous

I'm sorry you are going away from GWA but so many are so it's understandable. I hope all is going better and you keep going with great performances!

Kyle Fengler

Cheers, I hope you had a great weekend! Enjoy the time with your mom.