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I am so stoked to be back. I'll be posting a ramble within the next few days talking about what's going on for whoever wants to listen, but for now, I wanted to hop on and just say thank you so so much for sticking with me for a new month!!! I am so grateful and stoked you're all here and I hope you enjoy what I put out this month!

I was super upset I couldn't record in November because of the stuff with my family. Then in December, I coudn't walk so I couldn't record but I honestly believe it was supposed to happen because I had been experiencing burnout for quite a while but just never allowed myself to take a long enough break to address it. Not being able to record for a whole month seriously made me remember what I enjoy about doing audios and I am super excited to be back this month and get back to recording for you all.

For those of you wondering how my family and I are doing: I still can't walk super great but I can hobble around enough to not be completely useless. I still haven't gotten my medical bills for my ER visit but I am still in the process of finding out if I can get a discount or get it covered because I don't have insurance. Fingers crossed that I can because I still need to go to the ortho specialist. My brother had to have surgery on his catheter this past week and hasn't been feeling great. He's still on dialysis, waiting to be listed on the kidney transplant list and is still waiting to find out if he'll be eligible for medicaid. My mom has been good since beating COVID!!

If you're still waiting on custom work: I was planning to have all the work done by the end of December but I couldn't get off, which means I couldn't record. It's still a little tough but I finally was able to move some stuff around to give myself a comfortable enough space to record. I won't be taking on any new custom work for the next few months to get my recording schedule back to what it was when I started. With that said, I'm planning on having all the work out by the end of this week. As always, if you have any concerns or anything, feel free to reach out to me!

Now for some of the fun stuff coming this month!

What's the next audio going up? In November, 2 audios tied on the last poll I posted. One was the Spanish one I posted earlier, the other one was the sequel to Fucking Your Best Friends Older Sister. That will be the next audio going up. Another 2 audios will be decided by a poll of ideas YOU all submitted, so please don't forget to submit your ideas via the anonymous form!! I am planning on having my normal amount of NSFW audios uploaded on here (6-7) by the end of this month for y'all.

I'm also thinking about possibly doing a live recording over on my server but you'll have to let me know if you're interested in that!

Mystery Time: I'm hella excited because I'm going to have one of my favorite people on this months Mystery Time. She was supposed to be on in November but I ended up taking the time off because of my family. It's Alice!!! We are still figuring out what the theme of the episode will be so if you have any unsolved mysteries or some iconic murder case you want us to consider, shoot me a message!

Heebie Jeebies: I already have the story for this months HJ and I'm super excited because I heard theres a nice plot twist in it!! Fingers crossed it's not too spooky even though I'm sure y'all would love that.

I still plan to do my usual rambles and a listen to music with me this month as well!

If you guys have any thoughts or ideas for content, feel free to let me know! I'm super excited to be back and get working on content again. I appreciate you all so so much!



Kyle Fengler

Groovy, happy new year! Glad to hear things are looking up a bit 🤙.