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I was finally able to share my thoughts and talk about what's going on with me right now.

I know a lot of you are probably disappointed with me and are going to unsubscribe and I understand and I owe you an explanation.

Thanks to whoever listens to this.



All my love and support for you queen 💕


There isn't anything I can say realistically to make you feel better. But you deserve the time to take care of yourself and you family. People might unsubscribe and that sucks, but being there for your family and to take care of yourself is way more important. Take care of yourself and your family, that's whats important, not your patreon subscribers. And any idiots who are mad at you or will be, fuck those people.




Everything Reid said, because I can't say it better. Personally, I'm more than happy for you to keep patreon up through December, but if you're not comfortable with that I get it. If there's a go fund me or anything like that, will you let us know? Nobody should have to deal with this and then worry about making rent on top of it. Hope everything works out the best it possibly can, for you and your family.

Co1e Cash, RP

I get it, and we are always cool, M. You take care of what you need to take care of. I’m sorry you are going though this again. You are in our thoughts, M.


Hello from Germany. You take care of your family. Your and your families wellbeing should be priority no1. I‘m not unsubscribing. If the little money I pay for that helps you just a little bit through these tough times, I am more than happy to do my part. Keep your head up and if you decide to put up a go fund me I am gladly putting something in. I am not one to comment a lot here but I felt I needed to do this time because I want you to know that your work is appreciated. Thank you for the great content from the gonewild stuff to the ramblings. Your voice is a part of my life and I am always happy to listen to it. I wish your brother and you all the best.


I just joined up this week because I wanted to throw a couple bucks your way for the happiness you bring to my day to day. I'm not disappointed or resentful, I want you to do your thing. Keep moving forward girl, life is tough and cold all the way through but know you bring smiles to all kinds of people who'll never even mention it. I'm keeping my sub going for what it's worth.


Take care of what you need to M, we'll still be here when you're ready. You know I respect and appreciate you so much. Wishing your brother and you the best. I hope everything works out


I'm sorry that all of this is happening to you M, if I've learned one thing from these months as your patreon is that you're an amazing person. My best wishes for you, I know you can overcome this, nada podra derribar el corazón de una mexicana!