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I exploded so I'm sorry if anyone is upset after this or doesn't understand where I'm coming from. I've been battling this for months and it just had to come out today.


SIDE NOTE: The audio starts cutting out for like 10 seconds and like shuffling cause I was crying and I got the mic wet. Sorry.


Co1e Cash, RP

I dm’d you on discord. Always have your back, no strings attached.


M is strong. M is worthy. M is human. No apologies necessary. Be you. That’s a pretty amazing person.


We always tend to look out for some social release and comfort it’s don’t wrong if you don’t want to bare it you can try to help but you’re not responsable of other people feelings we’re all grown ups and we have to get our shit together , I have some Latin blood too so I know for a fact that we like to take care of people we care about other feelings but you can’t feel responsible for them if you’re acting like you we can leave in any given moment if we don’t feel ok with you but we can’t put any pressure or guilt on you even if we are close friends it’s just not fair, keep up the good work and just be you ! I would like to be part of your closest community at one point and be a plus for you and not a burden.