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It's currently 5:49pm and I've been awake for about 4 hours. Why? Because I was up until 8:30am on Voice Chat with a few of you over on my discord server. It was a lot of fun but it threw my sleep schedule off again. Don't worry though, because you are all worth it!

I'll be going out of town in a few days to visit my parents but I'll still try to be super active in my server and want to reassure you that I will still be posting audios while I'm on that trip...

What audios, you ask?

My next Patreon Exclusive for the month will be a "I found this in my Mommy's panty drawer and I want to use it while driving" audio. I thought it would be fun to do a teenager audio while driving around since I had a lot of fun with the last one I did.

The next Early Access audio going up after the one tomorrow is going to be a "teaching your rude ass boss a lesson by fucking her" audio. Your boss is sexy but boy, is she a bitch... She's rude and frankly, she needs to be taught a lesson.

I thank all of you again so much for being so wonderful to me. I've been going outside of my comfort zone with my last audios and having a ton of fun while doing it! 

Hopefully you are enjoying them as much as I am!



Thanks for all the hard work, M!

Snorlax Shaped Cloud

The heavens parted and shed a light of pure beauty. What was the beauty you ask? So many audios you can't even hold all of them