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Hey fellas!

So if you listened to my ramble the other day then you are already aware of the changes coming in May to my Patreon tiers! For those of you who aren't aware, there will be two major changes and they are as follows:

1. I will be getting rid of Baby ($25 tier with 5-8 minute Thank You audio)! If you are currently on that tier, you will still stay at that pledge unless you opt to change your subscription but you will not be unsubbed or deleted once the tier disappears. The reason I'm getting rid of the tier is because...

2. I am opening up EIGHT additional Mr. Big slots on top of the ones I already have open now. A few of the people who are on this top tier will be dropping off (one I believe already dropped) so you may have a better chance at signing up if this happens!

I have a lot of fun doing the 25 minute audios and also finding out what you all want me to do in them so I thought it'd be more fun to push these type of audios out, especially because I've gotten a lot of feedback about how quickly the slots have filled in the past and how some of you weren't able to uptier because they got filled up so quickly.

A few of you asked me for a specific scenario in your personal audios (one was the UPS one and another asked for a nurse audio) and I've had so much fucking fun with those so I am trying to see about working on scripts or specific scenarios if you are into that? I am still also trying to work out if I should start a Discord server as well!

I also wanted to ask your opinion, I was brainstorming with a friend of mine about my tiers changing and she mentioned me opening one single slot on one single tier above Mr. Big which would be a higher pledge but the person who grabbed it would get to have not 1 personal audio for the month but 2! I wasn't sure if anyone would be into that sort of thing but I figured I'd see what you all thought as I thought it seemed like a fun idea! Please let me know what you think!

Thank you again so much for your support, patience and kindness towards me. You each mean the absolute world to me and I am so stoked to keep making you "happy" for another month if you stick with me ♥️




Yeah I would be down for a higher than high teir. Thanks again for posting!


I think that idea for the higher tier is great!


Not going to lie 2 audios would be super bueno, but extra work. Discord server would also be litty too! Thanks for the insight M!

Snorlax Shaped Cloud

A higher tier above Mr.Big?? Sounds very awesome. I'll throw my hat into the ring for that.