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Bulma’s “Sacrifice”

Letting that decisive hour go by was one of the most tense experiences Bulma could think of.  Second only to her close call in the submarine so long ago.  As the moments ticked by, she wondered if this was how the others felt back when Vegeta and Nappa arrived, waiting for those three agonizing hours in the hopes of Goku’s arrival.

Whatever the case, knowing that the hourglass decided when Gotenks would face Buu brought her only anxiety.  Even if that was countless days –  a little over two weeks –  to the two training combatants within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.  You’d better believe she’d checked her math time and time again.

Anything to pass the time, anything to distract herself.  Letting her mind wander to the most obscure of topics, if only it meant that the stress she felt was eased for but a moment.  Maybe, then, that’s why she found her mind drifting to something she’d overheard Piccolo and Dende mumbling about some time earlier.  Something that piqued her curiosity even now.

“Did you see that, Piccolo..!?”  Dende whispered, quaking in his boots despite his best efforts to stay strong.

“I did.”  Piccolo grumbled, wiping a drop of sweat.  “He inflated the fool with his body;  I say it serves him right for starting this whole mess.”  Despite his cruel words, the stress showed clear on his face.

Buu could…  inflate people.

The mere notion made Bulma’s stomach tingle.

Though she’d suppressed them for years, Bulma had quite the laundry list of closet fetishes tucked away far from prying eyes.  There were of course the more standard kinks, your run-of-the-mill BDSM type stuff…  but then came the weirder ones.  People gaining absurd amounts of weight, or suddenly growing massive breasts…  or, just maybe, growing all over…

It was difficult to explain why, but the idea of being inflated or filled with some substance, or her body expanding as though it were dough rising in an oven…  growing soft and plush, heavy and full…  it made this unbearable heat build between her thighs.  It made her want to know how it felt, to experience it firsthand!

Once or twice, the pure curiosity and maddening desire had driven her so far as to gather the Dragon Balls, intent on wishing for the most self-indulgent realization of her deepest fantasies.  In the end, though, she’d always backed out;  what if someone found out what she wished for!?  Oh, some of the guys would never let her live that down!

But now, as the seconds ticked by, as their doomsday clock neared its end,  she stood in front of someone who could easily inflate people.  Someone who could, and has, pumped someone up.  Made them big and heavy, so full, so jiggly and-!

“Mnh-!”  Bulma gasped into her hand, trying to make herself as small as possible between the two pillars to her sides.  When had she started rubbing herself through her dress?  How could she let herself get so hot and bothered over the idea of this evil magic guy pumping her full of… of… himself!

But, at the same time, could anyone truly blame her?  As far as she was concerned, she could be dead in less than an hour!  Why not cut loose, why not indulge in her fantasies?

For all she knew, it may be her last chance-



The shattering of glass and crumpling of metal wrenched Bulma free from her rather questionable thoughts, Buu’s flustered cry sounding more like a tantrum than anything truly threatening.  Whether she thought he was scary or not though, the monster seemed fed up with this little waiting game —  even Videl’s attempt to use her connection to Hercule didn’t seem to soothe the beast any longer.

Piccolo stepped up next, trying and failing to reason with the bubblegum creature.  His words – cold and calculated in a way that would make even a slightly logical person pause – fell on deaf ears in the presence of the increasingly-agitated Buu.  His attempts end with a massive hole being blown through the lookout mere inches from his feet.  A warning that Buu’s patience is wearing thin.

Time had run out early, and Buu wasn’t willing to play along anymore.

“COME OUT!!  I KILL YOU!!”  Buu howled angrily, smoke spewing from the various holes littering his body as he screeched.  It was like watching a gorilla at the zoo, the way he pounded on his chest and whooped in some strange battle cry.

Bulma could see the defeat on Piccolo’s face, in the way his shoulders slumped.  He’d yet to speak, but she could just feel it coming —  he was going to give in.  For the good of the planet, he was going to lead Buu to the tie chamber, and then… and then…!

But, if he does that, and the kids aren’t ready..!  Bulma can’t even finish the thought, unable to bear it for even a second —  there has to be something they can do, a way to buy just a little more time.  A way to give her’s and Goku’s kids a fighting chance!

Piccolo took a breath to speak, but in that same moment –  like a strike of lightning –  the answer came to Bulma.

Maybe…  maybe there was a way.  Not just to buy some extra time for the kids, but perhaps she may very well get to soothe her lifelong curiosity in the process.

After all, every minute counts, right?

“All right, Buu…”  Piccolo grumbled, apologizing to Goku and Vegeta alike for the responsibility being thrust upon their sons.  “Follow-”

“HEY!  Majin Buu!”  Bulma’s voice cut through Piccolo’s resigned words like a hot knife through butter.  She stomped towards the majin, walking past the confused-looking Videl and the shocked-looking Piccolo.  Any other time he might have stopped her, but right now –  even if she were to die –  she was buying precious seconds…

“You said you’d kill every last human before fighting, right?”  Bulma barked, a bravado in her voice often reserved for when she was bluffing business partners rather than world destroyers.  “Well, last I checked I’m human, and I’m still right here!”

The way Buu’s head just drifted towards her, slow and uncanny, made her break out in a cold sweat.  But it would seem she’d captured his attention…

“You… want Buu to kill you?”  The tone in his voice was one of genuine confusion, all of the anger he’d felt momentarily erased by his shock at the declaration.  His aura crackled around him as he processed her words, an ominous reminder of how effortlessly he could summon forth his strength.

Bulma tried to speak, but the feeling of his sheer presence made her words jumble in her throat.  ‘Focus, Bulma..!’  She chastised herself, slapping her cheeks and standing tall.  “I don’t think you can kill me!”  Bulma declared.  “I’d bet if you fill me up with your Buu goo or whatever, I’ll be totally fine!”

It was  almost instantaneous, the sheer weight of the confused stares boring into the back of her head, from near and far.  Her face blossomed into an intense crimson, but thankfully the only one to see it was Buu.

“Why Buu use goo…?”  He pondered aloud, looking down at his hands before slowly outstretching a palm towards Bulma.  A small ball of pink and red energy crackled to life, energy welling quickly and whipping up a small bout of wind.  “...When can blast the puny human away?”

Shit, not good!  “B-becuase..!”  Bulma’s heart raced as she tried to improvise;  this wasn’t going as smoothly as she’d hoped!  “B-becuase, uh…”  Right, right;  they’d gotten this far by playing to his sensibilities and manipulating him —  what if she just did it again?

“Because, i-if you do it that way…  y-you’re a coward proving you’re too weak and scared to take on a real challenge!”  The words tumbled out of Bulma’s mouth before she could truly consider the weight of her words, but she stood behind them firmly.

Buu stopped, his body stiffening in response to the rather brutal insult.  The ball of energy in his palm crackled, swelling with power for another moment longer…  before fizzling away as though absorbed back into himself.

Bulma let out a sigh of relief, before a last-second thought occurred to her.  “P-piccolo, I would get Dende out of here…  kid doesn’t need to see what’s about to happen.”  Bulma’s words were but a whisper, only audible to the two Namekians present.  Bulma didn’t exactly need Dende seeing her live out her fantasy.

Dende seemed to get the message before Piccolo could act, quickly excusing himself —  presumably into the Lookout itself.  Bulma slouched a bit, relaxing as she took care of the last stray variable in this plan.

…Only to gasp, as the antenna atop Buu’s head lashed out in a long rope of viscous pink goo.  It snatched her up with impressive ease, looping around her legs several times over before binding her arms tightly behind her back.  Bulma wriggled and pulled against the strange, almost tingly substance on instinct, only freezing when the end of the strange tendril came to a stop right before her mouth.

“BUU.  NOT.  COWARD!”  Buu howled, but Bulma’s attention was elsewhere, as the tendril slid between her lips and shot down her throat with speed she could barely comprehend.  In a fraction of a second she could feel it entering her stomach, a strange yet unique sensation…

“Last guy needed Buu to explode to pop in.”  An evil smirk spread across Buu’s face.  “But, maybe, I pop you with only goo…”

‘P-pop!?’  Bulma’s eyes widened, but it was too late to back out now.  As the goo flooded her mouth and plunged into her stomach, she quickly came to realize it wasn’t just her belly that was getting full —  no, she could feel it penetrating all throughout her body.  Every inch of her was being invaded, quickly filled with this foreign goo.

It didn’t take long for her dress to start tightening against her skin, and were it not for how tightly-bound she was she would’ve staggered back in shock.  It was hard to wrap her head around how unnaturally full she felt, to understand the tingly warmth that was coursing through her as she grew outwards.

Her stomach was sticking out further with each gulp of the offending pink substance, but the rest of her body wasn’t far behind;  her breasts were swelling, pushing and testing the limits of her bra until it snapped with enough force to sound like a gunshot.  Making her chest wobble and quake in a way that brought a far more familiar heat to Bulma’s nether regions…

Her ass and thighs were getting a generous dosage of goo too, the newfound padding of her lower body causing her dress to slowly ride up and her panties to slowly be engulfed by the burgeoning flesh of her rear end.

‘What was she thinking!?’  Piccolo could only gape at the sight.  ‘Did she overhear my conversation with Dende earlier and decide to play hero!?’  He wanted to help, to do something…  but he simply resigned himself to observe.  If she’d chosen to act on his earlier words, that was her perogative.

Bulma would never admit it, but she was sopping wet already.  Her fluids dripped down the inside edge of her steadily-thickening thighs, and each surge of growth only seemed to coax more heat and more fluid below.  A heat almost as intense coursed through the rest of her body, the sensation of her growth only becoming more pleasurable as the seconds ticked by.

Was she twice as big as when she’d begun?  Bigger?  Smaller?  It was hard to tell, with her dress compressing her and Buu’s body wrapped around her.  However big she was, though, there were no signs of her growth coming to a stop anytime soon.

THis was everything she’d hoped for, everything she’d dreamed of…  and yet somehow, even more!  The pressure, all of this goo pushing out from the inside, making her grow and swell as it sought more room —  it was something she’d fantasized many a night about, but the fantasies paled in comparison to the real deal.

Every time she thought she was getting just a little too full, her body surged outwards with another confident expansion of mass.  Never running out of slack, always willing to stretch just that little more if it meant she could take on more goo.  Was it the magic of Buu’s body at play, or some unseen force, enabling Bulma to truly endure her fantasy?

Bulma stared down at herself through lidded eyes, cheeks flushed red as she struggled to see past her billowing breasts to her inflated belly.  She was getting huge, far bigger than she’d ever been, and yet somehow…  she felt so light!  It was like Buu was made of cotton candy or clouds, and somehow she felt like she should be far heavier for the scale she was reaching.

She could barely focus on such trivial things, though.  Instead, her eyes were laser-focused on a small tear forming in her dress.  Though it had given up on covering much beyond her fat cow tits, it’d held strong against the strain of her expansion…  until now.

Maybe it was the sloshing of her breasts, the added motion as they seemed to fill with something more than just the goo…  or maybe they’d just finally grown that big, but her outfit was finally beginning to give out.  Her gentle writhing motions only worsened the wobble, and coaxed something warm and thick to leak out of her.

Whatever Buu was made of, the magic in it was doing more than just expanding her body.  It was like her pleasure sensors were lit up like a christmas tree —  like the more goo there was inside of her, the better she felt!  Even that sloshing of her tits nearly sent her into an orgasm, a fact proven by the puddle of her juices building on the tile below.

Bulma’s body was bloating to an immense size, the bindings around her growing tighter and tighter as they did their best to constrain her thickened arms and legs in place.  Her stomach hung down over the restraints to her thighs, which were like tree trunks in their diameter as they supported an ass just as large.

Her breasts were a sight to behold, overflowing from the over-stretched and painfully tight collar of her red dress.  The raw compressive force made the creamy fluid within –  almost like a strawberry milkshake in appearance –  spray out in dual jets onto the ground before her.

Fuck, she couldn’t hide her enjoyment anymore.  Her hips bucked and rolled in a disjointed rhythm, and her face contorted into a look of raw euphoria and ecstasy.

‘I’m g-getting so big, and full..!’  Bulma struggled to focus even on her own thoughts, panting and moaning against the incoming flow of goo.  ‘I can feel it, this stuff, jiggling and wobbling inside me…  I want more, I need more!’

A muffled squeal of pleasure challenged the force of the goo as she finally hit climax, a gushing flow of cum spilling down her thighs and turning the puddle below into something far more like a sea.  She just couldn’t take it anymore, yet she wanted everything she already felt and so much more!

She could feel the effect of every mouthful of goo more then the last, her overwhelmed and overstimulated body fighting to keep up with the constant influx of stimulation.  Her throat relaxed, welcoming the rapid influx of goo without an ounce of resistance.

Her dress was quickly shredding to tatters, falling to the floor alongside the debris of her ruined bra and overstretched panties…  even her scarf began to reach its limit, digging into her neck as it threatened to untie or strangle Bulma’s newly-flabby neck in the midst of her growth.

Only at this point did her body begin to feel remotely taut, the first sign that she might be reaching some sort of limit —  but Bulma welcomed the feeling, enjoying the way it focused in her belly, making it grow rounder and tight in appearance, portraying just how much goo was in her as her belly button was pushed outwards with a satisfying ‘pop!’.

But, right as it was really starting to get good, right as Bulma felt like she was hitting the peak of her fantasy…  the flow began to slow down.  Slowly, the line of goop was eating up its own path;  first, freeing her legs, then her arms, and finally entering her mouth with one final gulp.

Bulma staggered back on unsteady legs as the flow of goo finally came to an end;  her knees felt weak after so many orgasms, and as the last of her strength left her she crashed to the ground with a thud.  Rather than pain at the impact, though, she felt pleasure —  the newfound padding of her body cushioned the blow, making her jiggle and wobble in a way she knew she could never tire of.

Even amidst her euphoric daze, though, Bulma felt confused.  Why had Buu stopped?  She could still see the pink demon, looking at him from her position on the ground with a dazed and confused expression…  until she noticed something off about his appearance.

Buu looked lanky –  lankier than before, rather –  and also far shorter.  Even sitting on the ground, Bulma had to look slightly down to meet his somewhat flustered gaze.  It was then that the realization of what happened struck:  Buu had reached his limit.

Bulma’s stomach gurgled, her plump fingers digging into the taut expanse of flesh and sending tingles of pleasure through her as she stared upon Buu with a coy grin.  “What’s-  URP!-  what’s the matter, Buu~?  Were you really too much of a coward after all?”  Bulma knew she’d won, and more importantly, Buu knew she’d won.

Buu’s eyes hardened, and in a flash Bulma wondered if she’d made a mistake by taunting him.  The minified verison of the majin wrenched his hand back, funneling as much of his depleted energy as he could into his hand.  Preparing an attack that –  while far too weak to kill most anyone here –  would be more than enough for-


A massive, blue beam shot past Bulma with a shriek, crashing hard into Buu and enveloping both him and his last-ditch attack alike.  The monster let out a howl of pain, trying to resist but finding himself without the strength to do so.  He’d gotten so caught up in trying to prove he wasn’t a coward that he’d essentially dumped his energy into Bulma along with the goo!

With only a fraction of his true strength left, and the searing sensation of the Kamehameha that enveloped him wearing him down, he could do nothing but succumb.  With a final, rebellious shriek, his body was reduced to atoms and erased entirely…

Bulma let out a sigh of relief as she slumped back against the flabby cushion she called her rear, hands palming her overinflated gut in a pleasant idle motion.  It seemed that Buu was gone, and fortunately it didn’t seem like the goo packed inside of her had any sentience or wherewithal to act on his behalf any longer…

“Sorry, guys;  I know I cut it close.”  A familiar voice rang out, boots tapping on the ground as the unseen fighter landed.  Bulma looked up as a hand gave her plump shoulder a reassuring squeeze, meeting the unusually confident eyes of…  Gohan?

“I saw what you did, Bulma;  it was incredibly brave.”  His confident eyes softened.  “Vegeta would be proud.”

“I- Thanks.”  Bulma opted to accept the kind words rather than admit the lewd intent behind her actions…

Gohan lifted his head.  “Hey, Piccolo!  Mind giving her some new clothes?  She’s kind of all on display, and I don’t think we want the kids seeing that.”  He reached down, taking Bulma’s plump hands in his and easing her up onto wobbly legs.

“Of course.”  Piccolo grimaced as his hand sunk into Bulma’s back fat slightly, his magic wrapping around her and concealing her new frame in a new outfit.  It was identical to what she wore before, but in a purple and green palette and tailored to fit her swollen body far better.

Bulma couldn’t totally enjoy her new outfit and the way it complimented her figure so nicely, because now that the adrenaline was gone she was having a rather harrowing realization —  Gohan saw her naked and swollen.  They all had.  Bulma steeled herself and turned around –  an act that took far more effort with all the extra size and weight she sported –  and dared to face the others.

She’d hoped that maybe they were somehow unaware of the pure enjoyment she’d held for that whole ordeal –  that she’d displayed with her expressions and orgasms –  but a single look at any of them told her any hope was gone.  Many smirking faces stared back, some more knowing while others could simply tell she was hiding something based on the mess she made.

Bulma’s face turned a shade of red not unlike her old and tattered dress, and suddenly the ground –  or at least, what she could see of it past her newfound massive cleavage –  looked very interesting.

“Right.”  Piccolo cleared his throat awkwardly.  “I’ll go get the others, and we’ll gather the Dragon Balls.  Then, we can fix all of this and get on with our lives…”  Never before had the Namekian felt such secondhand embarrassment, wanting nothing more than to be gone as he rushed off to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Bulma took an uncertain step, chewing her lip as the footfall sent ripples through her body.  Soft tingles of pleasure teased her, beckoning her to move more, to make herself wobble about more, but she resisted those urges as she carefully moved.

It’d certainly take some getting used to —  not that she minded.  She was just relieved that the threat was gone…  and that she’d gotten to live out one of her fantasies in its truest form.


“Your wish cannot be granted…”  Shenron’s voice rumbled above them all, sending a wave of shocked and confused murmurs throughout.

“I don’t get it, Shenron.  Why not?”  Gohan tilted his head up at the dragon, confused by the declaration.

“Though the mind which controlled the magic matter within the one you call Bulma is gone, the power still resides within and has yet to meld with its new host.  I am unable to exert my influence on such concentrated power without consent, which it cannot give.”  Shenron’s words sent disappointment through the Z-fighters…  well, except for one of them.

“Oh well”  Bulma hummed with an idle pat of her gut, perhaps a bit too quickly if the glances she got were anything to go by.  “I-I mean, I’m sure I can manage for a little while.  It can’t possibly take that long for the goo to ‘meld’ with me, right?”  Bulma gestured as she spoke, trying to ignore the way it made her milk-filled tits wobble and slosh.

“I guess you’re right…”  Gohan sighed, though he couldn’t deny a sense of guilt over Bulma having to endure it at all.  If only he’d been a little quicker to arrive..!  He shook his head, turning his gaze skyward once more.  “Alright, then.  I guess that’s everything, Shenron!”

“Then I shall depart.  Farewell.”  Shenron boomed, eyes glowing a bright red before his entire body became wrapped in a vibrant yellow glow of pure light energy.  The beam of light shrank, condensing back down and regressing into the seven faintly-glowing Dragon Balls while the sky above them returned to the bright midday blue it was meant to be.

Bulma could feel the stares that lingered on her as she watched the Dragon Balls be gathered —  especially from Vegeta, who so far had only had but a moment to process his wife’s bloated appearance and the backstory behind it.  She didn’t mind, though;  they’d all adjust to it in time, she was sure.

Bulma, though?  She hoped she’d never get used to how good this felt…


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