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That...  that was Ashido?

It almost felt impossible for Izuku to wrap his mind around, looking at the woman he'd trained and fought alongside not too many years ago.  Sure, her face looked the same, and those horns were hers, but...

When had she gotten so-  so... big!?

Her gut, open to the air, wobbled and shook like it was full of jelly as they spoke.  Every time she laughed it shook and bounced about, and her chest was much the same ---  it was hard not to stare honestly, especially since it seemed keen to bust out of her top at any second now.

Her thighs were pretty dang big too, flaring out and stressing her jeans to their limit.  If he looked closely, Izuku could see small micro-tears beginning to form, no doubt ready to give way to something bigger if Mina puts on even a couple more pounds.

Despite his shock, Izuku finds himself nodding along almost robotically as they head to a nearby buffet to chat and catch up.

Somehow, Izuku has a feeling he may see those micro-tears grow before his very eyes.


It's been ages since Izuku saw Ashido last, but never did he expect she'd get so big in her absence!



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