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Amethyst gulped down the last mouthful of fries with a hiccup and a belch, leaning back onto her rear as she sit amongst the debris of her meal.  Empty containers and wrappers lay strewn about her in a messy fashion ---  her dessert, once she digests the massive amounts of fast food already crammed in her gut.

She knew this was all meant to be for the big 'welcome home Steven' party, but. old habits die hard, and Amethyst just couldn't help but take a sampling.  A sampling turned into a feast, and a feast turned into the whole damn thing.

"AMETHYST!?"  Pearl's voice shook the walls, nearly, as she gazed disdainfully upon the absolute pig amongst the garbage.

"A-ahahah... hey P'..."  Amethyst blushed, preparing to craft some sort of hasty excuse...  but the sight of the Big Donut bags in Pearl's arms made her stomach growl violently and destroy her train of thought in an instant.  Maybe...  maybe she could eat just a little more.  If she used her excuse now, she wouldn't have anything after!

"...Mind uh,  mind if I have one of those?  Those bags'a food look hella appetizin'...!"


Amethyst is caught red handed in the middle of a massive binge, but with more food in sight the last thing on her mind is calling it quits now!



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