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Videl sat tied loosely to a chair, wearing nothing but a bra and panties.  The room was warm, only the breeze of the open window providing much relief for the moment.  Standing in front of her was…  certainly something.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here~?”  The cartoonishly exaggerated voice of Saiyaman rumbled, as he looked at Videl.  “Looks like you’ve fallen right into my trap!”

Videl fought back the urge to snicker, rolling her eyes and playing into it a little.  “Oh no, you’re sooo right.  I still can’t believe you fooled me, the great Videl Satan, so easily in battle~!”

Saiyaman leaned down, picking up a large jug of heavy cream and a funnel.  “Of course, how could I be the Great Saiyaman if I didn’t boast cunning strategy with my strength?”  He placed the mouth of the funnel into Videl’s mouth, popping off the lid of the jug with his thumb.
 “And now that I’ve captured you, it’s time to fatten you up until it’s your own body serving as restraints!”  Maybe it was the sudden shift into a huskier and darker tone, but Videl felt goosebumps and a strong flare of heat between her legs as the jug was tilted towards the funnel.

Videl found herself “helplessly” gulping down mouthful after mouthful of the fattening cream, squirming and moaning against the flow of fluid as Saiyaman moved from jug to jug.  Her stomach swelled bigger and heavier, gurgling and sloshing with the increasing amount of liquid within.
 She honestly lost count of how many jugs of the fattening dairy she’d drank, barely able to stifle her belches between mouthfuls of cream.  Saiyaman seemed keen to continue though, working through jug after jug of what remained.

“What’s the matter, Videl.  Too weighed down by that big belly to do anything~?”  There was a bit of shakiness and hesitation in the teasing remark, but Saiyaman committed and only poured faster.
 He felt a twinge in his own loins as Videl belched and writhed under the pressure of her bloated gut, giving him the resolve to push forward with the few remaining jugs.

By the end of this apparent force feeding, Videl’s gut hung heavily off the edge of the chair, barely inches above the floor.  Even after the funnel was removed from her mouth, the most she could do was hiccup and burp;  the pressure was simply too great to form a coherent word, let alone a sentence.

“Well, well, well.  Would you look at that~?”  Saiyaman reached around behind Videl, cutting her restraints.  The raven-haired fighter sank off of the chair to the floor, leaning forward on her belly and only causing herself to burp and moan louder.  “Looks like you can’t do much of anything anymore…”
 The masked hero pressed his boot into the side of Videl’s stomach, applying pressure and smirking at the sudden increase in volume of her moans.  “Such a shame, I thought I’d get a little more fight out of you…”

This teasing continued for some time, until eventually the combined pressure of the boot in her side and her gut against the floor brought Videl to a blissful climax once more.  She was left a dazed and shaky mess on the floor, barely conscious of anything except the intense lust and pleasure rolling through her.

She didn’t even realize she was being spoken to until Saiyaman crouched down directly in front of her, removing his mask with a slight look of concern on his face.

“Videl, I said, are you okay?  Do we need to stop?”  Gohan’s suave act was dropped for his gentle and concerned self, resting his hand on Videl’s cheek as she slowly came to focus on him.

“Hnnuh…? Nhoo, I’m- HUUOORRP-  fihne…”  Videl slurred, shivering and moaning from the continued pressure of laying on her belly.  “You-  you dih’d- HUUOORRRWWWEELCH-  great, babe…”  She giggled softly.

For their first time trying full on role-play, it really had gone great.  Honestly, she hadn’t expected Gohan to be able to play the villain, but then she hadn’t expected him to be quite so into her large size either.  He was just full of surprises.
 Still, as she laid there, dazed and drooling while Gohan stepped back into his role –  walking around her and tossing teasing remarks at the ‘defeated’ Videl –  she came to the decision she’d been hesitating on since her check-up.

Training or not, she never wanted this to end…  she was gonna keep gaining, even if it meant her career as a fighter was coming to an end.


Next time || Chapter 14:  Acceptance


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