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Bulma wasn’t surprised when she received the phone call, not really.  Even ignoring Videl’s size, the bluenette saw how Videl ate (and how much she ate);  there was no way that kind of intake was gonna go over well with a human, even if superhuman.
 When Videl arrived, Bulma already had her lab set up with the required equipment to test her.  Blood pressure test, EKG monitor, a syringe to take some blood, among other things.  Really, just general equipment for the checkup at hand.

“Thanks for doing this, I know it’s super short notice…”  Videl tugged her hoodie down over the bit of belly that peeked out, her fatty hips swaying side to side as she entered the modestly-sized lab.  The medical equipment set up felt intimidating, but she knew this was all for her own good.

“Oh please, it’s no problem at all;  you’re practically family these days.  Besides, anyone who can get Vegeta to be their personal cook for a week already has my respect.”  Bulma reassured the tense Videl with a warm chuckle, motioning for her to sit on a low table.  “Just go ahead and sit down while I do some basic tests.  Oh, and do you mind taking your shirt off?”

Videl nodded, heaving herself up onto the table and sitting patiently while Bulma approached.  She slipped her fingers under the hem of her hoodie with some hesitation, before pulling it up and over her head.  Her gut spilled out onto her lap, heavy breasts sitting atop it in a too-small sports bra.

Bulma spared a momentary glance, somewhat impressed Videl had gone so long without issues sporting a physique this big and soft, but quickly put herself back into the casual and professional mindset.
 “So, Gohan says these issues have been sort of building up for a while?  Just sort of loss of stamina, ease of fatigue, some lethargy;  that kinda stuff?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”  The blood pressure checker felt weird on her arm, but as quickly as it was on it was off again and Bulma was noting something down.  Then came these small adhesive bits, plastered on her flabby chest while Bulma gazed at a nearby monitor.

“I know you tend to eat a lot, so I can safely assume your diet has some variety to it;  but what do you eat most?”  Bulma quirked a brow at the results on display, but noted them down along with what she already had.  “This next part’s gonna suck a bit, by the way.”  Bulma pulled out the syringe.

“Oh, it’ll be fine.  I feel worse training every day.”  Videl chuckled, paying little mind as Bulma worked.  “I eat a lot of stuff, but I honestly eat a lot of snack cakes.  Anything greasy works too, it just hits different-”  A wince at the needle.  “-than the healthy stuff.  More calories, too.”

“Mhm, I getcha.  When your main goal is to get big, whatever works, right?”  Bulma gestures to a nearby treadmill.  “Mind hopping on that baby for a bit?  It’ll go as fast as you can, so just run at your top speed for a bit while I monitor your vitals.”

Videl complied, hopping off of the table with a slight thump and approaching the treadmill.  At first, running at top speed was a breeze, and the sound of the treadmill buzzing with speed beneath her was nothing short of exhilarating.
 It didn’t take long for her to start struggling though, quickly working up a sweat as she ran. Her flabby body jiggling and bouncing, the sensations distracting and somewhat arousing as she began to falter.

All the while Bulma observed, watching Videl start strong but quickly begin to tire over the coming minutes.  Credit where it’s due, she was lasting way longer than Bulma expected, but she’d seen what these super humans were capable of at far lower strengths…
 “Hm…  that should be enough.”  Bulma spoke up, and Videl gladly slowed down and stepped off of the treadmill.  A bottle of water was offered to her, and she quickly guzzled the whole thing.

“So… huff, huff-  what’s your initial thoughts..?”  Videl asked between pants.

“Well, I will admit, you’re doing better than I would’ve guessed for someone with your weight and diet.”  Bulma’s computer was processing all the data she’d input, providing projections and potential courses of action.  “Your only real issue seems to be your stamina, which is strange..”
 “With your diet I’d imagine there’d be related health issues, but your blood test is looking fine enough and everything is within the parameters of someone a fraction of your size…”  Really, it stumped Bulma.  “Right now, all I can really do is give you a clean bill of health…”

“...What?”  Videl blinked.  “But, why am I running out of stamina so fast, then?”

“My best guess?  You’re just getting too big too fast.  Otherwise it seems like you’re just getting constant weighted training.”  Bulma chuckled.  “Really, kiddo, you’re shockingly healthy;  but, if you keep eating like this and growing this fast, your stamina’s only gonna get worse.”
 “You don’t have to change what you’re doing if you’re enjoying it, but if you start feeling worse come let me know, alright?”  Bulma gave Videl a soft pat on the shoulder and a reassuring smile.

“...Yeah, yeah.  I will, I promise.  Thanks again, Bulma.”  Videl had a lot to think about as she retrieved her jacket and left.  She was somehow perfectly healthy at her size, despite even her unhealthy diet.
 Not only that, but there wasn’t even an immediate threat in getting bigger, if she wanted to keep going…  sure, training would be a bit harder, but…

…What if that wasn’t as important anymore?


Next time || Chapter 13:  Experimenting


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