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A low belch rumbled from Videl’s gut as she laid in her bed, watching the new Saiyaman film and chuckling at how inaccurate it was.  All around her were various snack foods, from chips and pork rinds to various boxes of snack cakes, and at this point most of them were empty.
 Many empty 2-liters laid on her floor and nightstand, the main cause for her belching and bloat as she thoughtlessly stuffed herself.  It was no wonder her stomach was so swollen and distended, her poor tank top barely able to begin to cover it.

It was shocking how effortless eating had become, almost a reflexive action if Videl was around food.  Of course she didn’t view this as a bad thing, because the more she ate the bigger she’d get, and the bigger she became the stronger she’d become.
 Honestly, it made her wonder why none of Gohan’s friends gave the same method a try aside from that Yajirobe guy she saw.  Maybe they knew something she didn’t, but whatever it was it seemed pointless to care about with how powerful she was.

The movie came to an end, prompting Videl to reach for the remote and put on a new one.  There was just one small problem…
 Rolling over to grab the remote pressed her swollen gut into the bed, loud and angry gurgles rumbling forth as a massive belch shot from her throat.  “BUUUOOOAAAAAARRP-!”  Videl fell back onto her side, groaning lowly at the faint sense of pleasure that shivered through her.

‘That felt…  good.  Oddly good.’  Videl looked down at her belly, swollen and grumbling with all the food and carbonation bubbling within.  Then, she looked down at the bed beneath herself once more.
‘What if…’  Slowly, she rolled over once again, but not for the remote.  Instead, she slowly put more and more weight on her belly;  sinking deeper and deeper into the bed until finally-

UUUUOOOAAAARRRRP-!”  Once more an intense belch came from within, but this time she didn’t roll back over.  Instead, she basked in the newfound source of pleasure she’d discovered.
 The immense pressure of her gut sandwiched between herself and the bed, and especially the relief of her rumbling burps, brought out a unique sense of euphoria she doubted she could find anywhere else.

‘Fuck, this feels great..!’  Videl giggled, the soft laugh littered with belches big and small alike as she shimmied on the bed a little.  It jostled the contents of her stomach, shifting and sloshing it around and only worsening the pressure as she stirred up the soda she’d chugged.
 It was hard to stop one she got herself going, soon getting so intensely into it that she began to work up a sweat with her focused gyrating and sloshing.  There was a heat burning between her legs stronger than anything she’d ever felt, and an urge to satisfy it that just wouldn’t fade.

Slowly but surely her unusual stimulation worked her closer and closer to a climax, and for a split-second as she reached orgasm her entire mind went blank.  Her eyes rolled back, and a room-shaking belch fell uncontrollably from behind parted lips.
 Videl’s sweatpants were soaked through in an instant, and she could barely push herself back onto her side as she shivered and gasped in the immense waves of her climax.  It took several minutes for the belches and aftershocks to come to a complete stop, leaving a sweaty and tired Videl laying stunned in bed.

‘That…  was something for friggin sure…’  Videl rubbed her fatty thighs together, starting off as the haze of pleasure slowly pulled her unfocused mind towards sleep.  The last thing she saw as she drifted off into unconsciousness was the empty 2-liters on her nightstand, and a single thought floated through her mind.

‘I can’t wait to do that again…’


Next time || Chapter 10:  Unstoppable Force


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