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Erasa and Sharpner weren’t sure what to expect when they met up with Videl, but it certainly wasn’t this.
 It’d been over a year since they last got a chance to really see and hang out with her, with how busy she’d been training to become as strong as the Gold Fighter —  Gohan, as they’d found out back in the tournament.
 The Videl standing in front of them sounded and acted like their Videl, but she certainly didn’t look like their Videl…

She’d easily tripled in weight since they last saw her, the short woman’s hefty body barely contained in her clothes at this point.  Her faded blue jeans fit painfully tight to her ass, her big gut muffin-topping over and peeking out beneath the hem of her black T-shirt.  The cleavage on display was shocking too, with her breasts looking about ready to pop out of the top.
 If Videl noticed anything wrong with this picture, she certainly wasn’t piping up about it either.  Somehow, Sharpener and Erasa came to the same silent agreement not to make note of it until she did, but as the night went on it was becoming increasingly difficult, and increasingly obvious how this happened.

They all went to a movie first, but while the two blondes split a large popcorn and got medium sodas,  Videl got two extra-large buckets of popcorn absolutely swimming in butter, and an unlimited refill XXL drink for herself.
 Then, when they went bowling, Videl was constantly going to and from the small food court to get hotdogs and burgers for herself.  By the end of their time there her gut was bloated and red, and every other sentence had at least a handful of burps thrown in.
 Finally, they ended their night at a nearby arcade.  Bloated as Videl might be, she was as lively as ever and having a blast hanging with her friends.  That didn’t stop her from gorging herself on the candy and sweets offered at the prize counter, though…

“That- UUOORP-  that was fun, guys!”  Videl’s gut hung halfway out of her shirt with all its added size, sloshing and gurgling audibly with every step as they walked out of the arcade.  “We should really- URP-  do it again sometime soon!”
 It’d been ages since she really got to hang out with her friends, and now Videl wanted to keep in touch more than ever.  She’d had a blast with so much fun and so much food!

“Y-yeah, I had fun eating-  hanging out too…”  Erasa caught herself, though Videl seemed to catch the stumble with a raised brow and a slight frown.  “You uh-  you gonna be good to get home by yourself, though…?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?  I feel- BUUORP-  fine.”  Videl tilted her head, her confused frown growing deeper.  Why was Erasa acting so weird, between this and all the weird glances she’d been giving her through the day?

“Well, you’re kinda…”  Sharpener shrugged, subtlety was never his forte.  “You’re lugging around enough food in that gut to feed a small army, Videl.  She’s just making sure you’re not gonna have a food coma on the flight home.”

Videl’s eye twitched, hands resting on her hips while she frowned at the two blondes.  “Ha ha, very funny Sharpner.  I’ve got a bit of an appetite now, but it’s not that bad- BUUUOORP-!
 She groaned, hands sinking into her soft gut flesh and kneading it.  She really did feel bloated though, whether she appreciated the jab at her stuffed state or not.

“Look, I ain’t got anything against bigger women, but a year ago you were as thin as me and Erasa, and now you’re massive.  I just don’t understand how you pulled it off;  are you good?”  Sharpener’s judgmental tone was laced with concern, at least.

“Y-yeah, like, if this is what you want then we support you, we just don’t understand how this…”  Erasa gestured to Videl’s figure.  “Happened.”

“It’s not a big deal…”  Videl crossed her arms, stifling the burp that threatened to rumble forth.  “Gohan and his family eat a lot, I’ve just been spending a bit of time around them and it’s rubbing off on me.  Besides, you’d never guess it, but it’s actually making me way stronger than ever, so health has nothing to do with it.”
 The way she was able to so effortlessly carry her heft and move as swiftly as ever lent some credibility at least, but it didn’t completely clear the concern from her friends.

“...Ugh, just-  I really appreciate the concern, but I promise I’m fine, okay?  Really.  I know my limits, and when I hit them I’ll stop, okay?”  Videl pinched the bridge of her nose, a small burp floating out on the tail of her sentence.
 This really, really wasn’t how she expected their little outing to end, that’s for sure.

“I…  I believe you.”  Erasa was the first to speak, stepping forward and hugging her friend.  “I might not totally get it, but if you say it isn’t hurting you and you’re fine with it, then it’s fine with me.”

“Y’know what, fuck it.”  Sharpner shrugged, offering an awkward chuckle and half-hug to the two girls.  “Plus sized women are in anyways.  We’re gonna have to spar one of these days though to test that ‘stronger than ever’ claim, though.  Got it?”

Videl giggled and nodded, hugging the two back with a relieved smile.  “Consider it done;  you could come fly out to Gohan’s place one of these days and watch us train too.  Might pick up a thing or two about ki if you stay around for long enough.”
 The night had nearly ended on a sour note, but Videl knew her friends’ opposition came from a place of concern.  She was just grateful to have such accepting friends who cared enough about her to voice their opinions.

Besides, it wasn’t like their concerns had merit, right..?


Next time || C9:  Snowballing


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