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Hey everyone, new video is now done and just waiting for sound right now. you can grab the no sound version in attached file.   

Now for some life updates and some rants, for any of you who want to know.

Originally the video was planned to be longer, but I had to cut like 1 minute out because the hired helper work was just so bad, I don't want to continue fixing it, haha. And work on game dev was pretty tiring so I could only spare a little bit of time to work on it.  

Speaking of game dev, I left the team  just recently. I'm not gonna go into too much detail here, but let's just say there were quite a few problems with management, directions changing too much, and some personnel problem. It's a shame, but I couldn't, and didn't want to, continue working in that environment, so I just had to threw half a year of work away and quit.

Anyways, now I'm just tired and after finish working on this video, I think I'm going to take a break for a bit. I can't really get any inspiration to do more work right now. Maybe I will return to do some super short videos or something, if I feel like it.

Thanks for reading till here. I'm sorry to all the patrons that hope to see more of my work. I really appreciated all of your support, I hope I can take my mind off things and come back soon.



Sucks about work. Hope things get better during your break!

Philip Garcia

Breaks are always good. No shame in taking one to get your mind refreshed

孑几 玉

Glad to have updates from you. Take a good break and looking forward to your Tifa in the future (tell us you will be back plz)!

Rachel Yee

It’s hard to go through so much and have it not work out. I hope you are able to rest and get some much needed me time. We’ll always be here to support you ☺️ Please do not feel pressure to post things and burn yourself out more.


Sorry to hear about the game not working out. Take a break and rest as much as you need to.


Cloud has some nice balls. Wish he did bigger thrusts though to put that big dick to use. But that second angle is a great angle. As for your IRL stuff, you have my condolences about working on a project for months and getting nothing out of it. But don't lose confidence, your stuff is good. So good in fact, it even got played at an Italian Senate meeting.


sorry to hear that.You're one of my favorite creators. Good luck.


are you going to close down your Patreon or just leave it as is for the time


Loving the sample animation! Best quality animation. I hope you can get over this situation quickly. Sorry to hear about the trouble.


Sorry to hear that.but “who knows what the tide could bring?”


Man that is rough. Sorry to hear you had to face those issues… take your time and enjoy your time off. Hopefully this ends up being a blessing in disguise (I think that’s how the saying goes 😅)


Thank you everyone for the kind words. I'll be back soon!


Don't force yourself, take a good rest.


Sorry to hear about this rough spot you're going through. Wish you all the best moving forward. Your work is truly some of the best!


No matter if you want to work in the group, or if you want to work faster with your clips, I believe you have to study to work as the leader of the group. I have seen many other artists, they stuck in the same trouble as you did, when they begin to hire several assistants. But if you don't study to manage/teach your assistants and return to work solo by yourself, you will be stuck in this speed, this level forever. Many artists were finally exhausted and got sick. Hope anyone here or somewhere can give you some ideas to manage your assistants.


Sorry to hear about your plans about game dev didn't work about so great. But sounds like you did the right thing instead of staying in it and having a bad time. Take your time! We'll be here 👍