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The short : No more particle hair, longer Tifa video release next month

The long and technical stuff  : So I played around with creating particle hair and tested it in Unreal Engine. It looked great but there's a problem when simulating the physics. The hair only reacts with the body, but nothing else. So I can't, for example, have her lay on a bed and have the hair spread around the cushion as it will just fall through.

I couldn't find any info on how to fix this, so I have to scrap the particle hair for now. It's a good thing I tested it early so I still have a lot of time left this month. That's why releasing a longer Tifa video (2 min~) should still be possible next month.



Thanks for the update Juicy. Appreciate you trying new things. Looking forward to the next release 😉

Nathan Curd

That’s a shame. Have you seen a video on YouTube by Steven Scott called “Utilize Blender Hair Particles with Instancing and add a Collision Object”? I wonder if that might provide some insight and options for the future. Edit: I know it’s Blender, but maybe Unreal Engine has some similar features? I’m not terribly knowledgeable about this stuff. Just want to help.

孑几 玉

Oh longer tifa video!