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"Me and my big mouth," Amy said, rubbing her nose.
"Indeed," A voice said behind her. She gasped and nearly jumped out of her stool. She looked behind her to see who the voice belonged to...and it was none other than Blaze. The whole reason this match was going on in the first place.
"D-don't sneak up on me like that...did security let you in? I thought you'd be talking to Silver of all people, not me," Amy stammered a bit, still a bit startled from Blaze having snuck up on her so easily.
"There's no need to. He'd probably avoid me like the plague if I did," Blaze replied. "But regardless of if you win or lose, I guess I should thank you."
"For what?"
"Silver means well...but there is that saying about good intentions. I've known for quite a while that he had plans to show his affection for me, and it wasn't too hard to figure out he was going to try to do it like this," Blaze explained. "I think the experience, whether it's me beating it into him or you, will teach him a bit of humility."
Blaze turned around and began to walk off before she stopped in place for a moment. "I just realized, we need to fight as well...if you stay champion that long enough, that is."
"W...what did she tell you?" The bell rang, and not even a second after, Silver was already pressuring Amy. Both with his punches, and his words. He threw a right jab into her stomach, and both skin and clothing folded around his glove. Amy doubled over slightly, exhaling before she retaliated with a right hook to his torso, which he blocked.
"I can't tell you if you're punching me in the stomach of all places!" She said as he grunted from blocking the punch. She followed up with a right jab to his head, which landed with a small smack, not doing much in the way of damage.
"Why don't you ask her yourself--?!" Amy then lead into a right hook to his head, which he also dodged, swaying back. She followed up with a left uppercut to his midsection, which he also dodged, countering with a right hook that slammed into her chest. She let out a small yelp but had no time to think more about what she was going to do with him afterward considering she had to dodge the right uppercut coming for her chin. She ducked inward and then threw a right straight into his stomach. Her glove pierced his midsection, and he seized up for a moment, his cheeks puffing up as a small strand of saliva oozed from the corner of his mouth.
"Gweph--!" He gagged, before retaliating with a right jab aimed for Amy's head. She blocked it with ease, firing back with a left straight aimed at his head. He narrowly avoided it, the pressure building against him...!
Then, Amy swung her left fist up, a left upper slamming into his chin. He was lifted onto his toes for a moment, his head jerking up, spraying saliva into the air from in between his lips. He fell backward, landing with a harsh thud on the canvas, spread eagle, drooling onto the mat.
Amy stood over him for a moment.
"Silver...this match was a mistake. For both me and you. I've been a hypocrite...so I'm not going to let this drag out any longer than it already has," Amy said before the referee warned her to move to her corner.
Something about those words resonated within Silver...whether out of motivation or pure stubbornness he began to stir.
His legs quivered as he clamored to get up, rising slowly onto his feet, his eyes blurry and his vision still spinning.
Silver got up once again at five, and although it was debatable if he could still fight, he wasn't just going to lay down and take it.
Amy sighed and put her gloves back up. The tide of the match was turning towards her favor...but she was going to have to push through Silver much more if she wanted to keep him down. 



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